John Jacob Astor
a German-born American businessman, merchant, fur trader, and investor. He ended up having the biggest fur trading company ever. -
John Marshall
He was the fourth chief Justice of the US. He was originally a leader in the federalist party, but he soon went on to make the supreme court a coequal branch of the US government. He served for three decades. -
President Madison
He was important in drafting the US Constitution, as well as the Bill of Rights. He was a democratic-republican, and he established the first bank of the united states -
Nativism is basically saying that immigrants are lower than the people of the country that they immigrated to. Nativism helped for some indians to keep their culture. Pictured is tenskatawa, who helped for the indians to fight against the americans. -
War of 1812
A war between the US and UK that was over trade restrictions caused by UK's war with france, US impressment by the british navy, and the aide to the native americans by the british. the outcome didnt really ease any tensions between them. -
Panic of 1819
It was the first real economy mishap. Pretty huge collapse until 1821. -
Tallmadge Amendment
An attempt to get the territory of Missouri into the Union as a state. Also, let's extinguish slavery while we're at it. -
Adams-Onis Treaty
Treaty between us and Spain that gave us Florida and set up a boundary, separating New Spain. -
Missouri Compromise
Prohibited slavery in former louisiana territory north of parallel 36'30 north. -
Monroe Doctrine
If Europeans try to mess with the US over anything, something big is gonna go down, as the US sees anything done to them by the Europeans as agressive. -
erie canal
A canal that increased trade and aided US economy, and it was also the largest sea port. many thought that it would be a flub, but it wasn't! -
Peggy Eaton Affair
peggy cheated on her husband with Senator Eaton and proceeded to get shunned, especially by Calhoun. Jackson felt sorry for her and made everyone accept her. everyone in Jackson's cabinet got booted. [pictured is Peggy] -
Second Party System
the political party system in the Us from 1828-1854. it is mainly characterized by the interest in a party, rallies, support, etc.. -
Andrew Jackson
Seventh president of the US. He was also originally a soldier. He was the one who pushed for the forced relocation of Native Americans. He was a very wealthy slaveholder. -
a device for sending and recieving messages over long distances. this was one of the first advancements in communication. the first telegraph in the us was by Harrison Dryar. -
The American System
A system developed by Henry Clay to promote American industry, after everyone became gung-ho for american pride. federally funded improvements, stable banking system, etc.. -
Various advancements in transportation were made, including use of steam ships. However, railroads and carriages primarily dominated. -
Steamboats were generally dangerous, at first. Because of their unrelliable engines, many exploded and killed various people. However, they did make it easier to travel upstream and it also contributed to trading. -
Nullification Crisis
The idea that states could have the option to not follow federal laws sparked the crisis. It was promoted by Calhoun [pictured], primarily fueled by the tariff of 1828. -
Spoils system
When a candidate wins election, the guy's family, friends, and whoever get government jobs. Because why not?
it's also refering to the entire "the victor gets the spoils" thing. -
Lowell, Mass.
The Lowell system was a system where many young women had to work in textile mills, and they were mistreated, overworked, and kept under a strict watch. it's what really sparked women to fight for their rights. -
Trail of tears
Jackson decided it would be a good idea to kick the indians out of their territory, forcing them to move thousands of miles to an unfamiliar land. Many indians died along the way. -
Scots, Irish, Germans...
(Date is estimated; 1830s)
Many Europeans came to the United States looking for opportunities to make money, as the European economy just wasn't good enough for them. Many irish, scots, and germans found work in america, especially when the Erie Canal was produced. -
Martin Van Buren
he was the eighth president of the united states and he was a key player in the democratic party, as well as the second party system. Jackson respected him since he respected Peggy in Petticoat affair. -
Panic of 1837
A financial crisis in the United States that created a rather sizable recession that lasted until the 1840s.