AP US History Period 4

  • Eli Whitney Patented the Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney Patented the Cotton Gin
    revolutionized the production of cotton
  • Gabriel Prosser Slave Revolt

    Gabriel Prosser Slave Revolt
    planned slave revolt in richmond
  • Thomas Jefferson was elected president

    Thomas Jefferson was elected president
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    US purchased land from France that doubled the size of the US
  • Marbury vs Madison

    Marbury vs Madison
    established judicial review
  • Beginning of Lewis Clark Expedition

    Beginning of Lewis Clark Expedition
    met with Sacagawea
  • Embargo Act

    Embargo Act
    embargo enacted by US on Britain and France
  • Chesapeake Leopard Affair

    Chesapeake Leopard Affair
    naval engagement
  • James Madison elected president

    James Madison elected president
  • Non Intercourse Act

    Non Intercourse Act
    lifted all embargoes on American shipping
  • Francis Cabot Lowell Smuggled Memorized Textile Mill Plans from Manchester, England

    Francis Cabot Lowell Smuggled Memorized Textile Mill Plans from Manchester, England
    built up American textile manufacturing
  • Rush- Bagot Treaty

    Rush- Bagot Treaty
    agreement between united states and Britain to eliminate their fleets from the Great Lakes
  • Death of Tecumseh

    Death of Tecumseh
    marked end of tercumseh confederacy
  • End of War of 1812

    End of War of 1812
    Treat of Ghent: all conquered territory was to be returned, and commissions were planned to settle the boundary of the United States and Canada
  • British Burn of Washington D.C

    British Burn of Washington D.C
    british burn Washington DC
  • Treaty of Ghent ratified

    Treaty of Ghent ratified
    marked end of War of 1812
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
    series of meetings where New England Federalist meet to discuss their grievances
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    last major battle of the War of 1812
  • James Monore elected president

    James Monore elected president
    first president to have a public inaugural speech
  • Anglo American Convention

    Anglo American Convention
    set the boundary between the Missouri Territory in the United States and Canada
  • Adams- Onis Treaty

    Adams- Onis Treaty
    settled disputed with US and Spain over territory
  • Panic of 1819

    Panic of 1819
    economic crisis after War of 1812
  • McCulloch vs Maryland

    McCulloch vs Maryland
    Maryland had attempted to impede operation of a branch of the Second Bank of the United States by imposing a tax on all notes of banks not chartered in Maryland
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    compromise that states Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state
  • Denmark Vesey Slave Revolt

    Denmark Vesey Slave Revolt
    attempted slave revolt that never happened because a slave told the authorities
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    opposing english colonialism in South American
  • John Quincy Adams ( Corrupt Bargain)

    John Quincy Adams ( Corrupt Bargain)
    election ended without any candidate receiving a majority in the electoral college, the House of Representatives awarded the election to John Quincy Adams
  • Tariff of Abominations

    Tariff of Abominations
    tariff passed to protect industries