Jan 1, 1513
Niccolo Machiavelli
Imprisoned after accused of participation in conspiracy then released and write "The Prince." -
Jan 1, 1515
Niccolo Machiavelli
Writes "La Mandragola." -
Jan 1, 1520
Niccolo Machiavelli
Wrote the "History of florence." -
Brittish Liturature
Death of William Shakespear -
Rene Descartes
His BookPublished his novel "Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting the Reason and Seeking Truth in the scenes." -
Ameriacan Liturature
Anne Bradstreet's book of poem. "The tenth muse lately sprung up in America," is published in England, making her the first published American woman writer. -
John Locke
Writes his treatise on the civil magistrate -
John Locke
becomes "censor of moral philosophy"ar Christ Church. Then writes the "Essays on the Law of Nature." -
John Locke
Finally dies after writting mant books and novels. -
Brittish Liturature
Lewis Theobald, Orestes: A Dramatic Opera -
Brittish Liturature
Biogriphical Britannia published -
Adam Smith
Made professor of Logic of Glasgow -
Benjamin Franklin demonstrated that lighting is electricity -
American Literature
"Poor Richard's Almanac" published by Benjamin Franklin -
American Liturature
"The Way to Wealth" by Benjamin Franklin. -
Adam Smith
Publishes his Theory of Moral Sentiments -
Adam Smith
Elected a fellow of the Royal Society -
The Constitution was adopted -
US History
George Washington became first president -
American Literature
"The Autobigrapgy of Benjamin Frankling" -
Brittish Liturature
Humpty Dumpty Adapted and Published by W.W. Denslaw -
Thought that heat was a form of energy Count Rumford -
Marbury v. Madison - Madison didn't deliver the papers for Marbury. -
Simon Ohm stated law of electrical resistance -
James Joule experimentally demonstrated that heat is a form of enery -
Civil war began -
Brittish Liturature
Lewis Carroll, "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland." -
End of Civil War -
US Histpry
Assassination of Abraham Lincoln by John Wikes Booth -
American Liturature
Mark Twain gives infamous "Whittier Birthday Dinner Speech" in front of an assemble multitude of literart dignitaries. -
Discovered radio waves - Hertz Heinrich -
Jean-Paul sartre
Born in Paris, France -
US History
Woman's sufferage began! HOOT HOOT!(: -
Jean-Paul Sartre
First book "L' imagination" -
Jean-Paul Sartre
"THe Nausea." -
Environmental Science
Discovery of atmosophere ozone depleting chemicals F. Sherwood Rowland and Mario J. Molina. -
Jean-Paul Sartre
"Les mains sales" -
US History
Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man after a hard day of work. -
Minimum wage of $1 per hour in effect. -
Enviornmental Science
Discover of carbon dioxide accumlationin the atmosphere (Global Warming) Roger Revelle and Charles Keeling -
Enviornmental Science
Publication of the book "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson -
Enviornmental Science
The first Earth Day! -
US History
Martin Luther King Jr. "I agve a dream" speech -
Rubber Strike -
copper strike -
Peter Singer
Enrolled at the University of Oxford -
Enviornmental Science
The clean air act -
Peter Singer
"Animal Liberation" -
minimum wage raised to $3.35 -
Peter Singer
"How are we to Live?" -
Wells Fargo and Co. and Northwest agree to merge. -
Obama became the first black Presidenrt