AP Timeline

  • Period: 500 to 1500

    Feudalism in Europe

    Feudalism in Europe was a system of class ranking that also dealt with land ownership. Feudalism led to the development of a new structured society where land was given in return for labor. This land was divided up by kings so they could distribute it to their nobles and lords. Feudalism gradually declined in the beginning but as the Bubonic plague was introduced, this decline was much faster.
  • Period: 618 to 1279

    Tang and Song Dynasties

    The Tang Dynasty came before the Song Dynasty and lasted for over 300 years. During this time, there were many great cultural advancements and reforms. Women and men were treated equally whether it be the way they carried themselves or even running for political positions. Next was the song dynasty and this lasted from 960 until the Mongols took over China in the late 1200s. Many advancements were made during this time of the Song Dynasty. These dynasties were referred to as China's Golden Age.
  • Period: 750 to 1517

    Abbasid Caliphate

    The Abbasid Caliphate was a major part of Islamic culture for three centuries. During the caliphate rule, many developments in Islamic culture were made(both cultural and educational/intellectual). This period was known for its stability, innovation, and trade but was eventually destroyed by the Mongol Empire. This era was known as Islamic culture's "Golden Age".
  • Period: 1200 to 1450

    Mongol Empire

    The Era of the Mongol Empire was from 1200-1450. The Mongols lived in Central Asia and pushed into Europe conquering many European countries in the process. To this day, the Mongol empire is still the largest continuous land empire in history. One major impact was the bubonic plague which spread throughout Asia and Europe, killing around 1/3 of Europe.
  • Period: 1206 to 1526

    Delhi Sultanate

    The Delhi Sultanate was the rule over India that lasted for about 320 years. It was composed of 5 dynasties. The rule of this sultanate brought new religion to India such as Islam and this religion stayed in India even after the rule ended. The religion of Islam was basically forced on India who was mostly Hindu at this time but over time they became much more tolerant of other religions.
  • Period: 1235 to

    Mali Empire

    The Mali Empire was located in West Africa. This empire became the largest empire in West Africa and played a large role in the culture of surrounding areas. This empire had an abundance of gold and salt which led it to be the richest empire in South Africa. The Mali empire began to lose power after Mansa Musa passed because states wanted to be independent and the empire lost order.
  • Period: 1299 to

    The Ottoman Empire

    The Ottoman empire was one of the most impressive, long lasting empires in history. This empire was started by the Osman dynasty. The Ottoman empire started when Mehmed II took over Constantinople and the Mediterranean regions. While in rule. this empire used gunpowder, the devshirme system, and Shariah laws to stay in power. The invention of gunpowder was crucial in the growth of this empire and they used the straits of Bosporus for trade.
  • Period: 1300 to

    European Renaissance

    The European Renaissance ranged from 1300 through 1600. This period was the the revival of the arts and learning. This included the recovery of cities, growth of agriculture, the invention of the printing press and trade was expanded as well. The Renaissance was also very known for the spread of ideas such as predestination and calvinism. These ideas led to religious wars and the scientific revolution followed.
  • Period: 1368 to

    Ming Dynasty

    During this time, the Ming dynasty conquered the Yuan dynasty in China and were the first to defeat the Mongols. Hongwu was the first emperor and he made many changes. He destroyed any influences of the Mongols, provided more agricultural support, and began the law of codes. The law of codes supported foot binding, family relationships being strengthened, and confucianism.
  • Period: 1415 to

    Portuguese Trading Post Empire

    This trading post empire was built to control trade routes stretching from Africa to India when Portugal was exploring Africa's coastline. They controlled the trade by forcing merchants to pay if they wanted to trade in their territory. The merchants who passed through were forced to buy safe conduct passes. During this time, the Portuguese took over Swahili city states in East Africa, limiting the access to luxury goods such ivory, gold, and spices to the foreign merchants.
  • Period: 1419 to 1507

    Age of Exploration

    The Age of Exploration was a period was exactly what the name implies,exploration. European countries sailed ships all around the world to find new trading routes and countries to trade with. A main idea of the time was:God, Gold, and Glory which meant that countries main focus was to spread religion, gain fame, and gain wealth. While they did gain what they wanted, they also spread diseases to the places they colonized which led to a lot of death in those areas.
  • Period: 1428 to 1533

    Mesoamerican Empires

    The Inca Empire was located in the Peruvian highlands and made many developments architectually that allowed them to do so. They developed very developed walls, roads and irrigation systems that are still used in modern times. The Aztec Empire was located in central Mexico. They also made many developments with irrigation and cultivation systems like the Incas. They were a polytheistic empire and performed human sacrifices to make their gods happy.
  • Period: 1492 to

    The Spanish Colonial Empire

    During this period, many technological advancements were made including the caravel, lateen sails, compass, astrolabe, and cartology. These things improved travel and trade over long distances. All of this trade made Spain into a maritime empire and they wanted to spread their ideas around the world. To do so they began to colonize more and this led to the growth of spanish colonial empires globally.
  • Period: 1502 to

    The Atlantic Slave Trade

    The Atlantic Slave trade was a slave trade that lasted for over 300 years. As the profitability of sugar rose in European markets, so did the number of Africans that were stolen and sold in the Atlantic slave trade. This is because they were needed for the cultivation of this sugar in places like North and South America. The slaves lived and worked in terrible conditions which led to a big loss of them every year.
  • Period: 1517 to

    The Reformation

    The Reformation was based in Europe and began in the early 1500s.After the black plague, Catholic churches needed more funding and began to encourage the Europeans to give money to the church known as "indulgences". They told them this would ensure that their sins would be forgiven and soon after, Martin Luther started the Reformation. He wrote 95 theses protesting against the actions of the church. This caused many branches of Christianity to be made, many of which are still around today.
  • Period: 1526 to

    The Mughal Empire

    The Mughal Empire was started by a descendant of Ghengis Khan, Barbur. This empire took over a large part of India from the delhi sultanates. The Mughal Empire was run by Muslims although the caste system was still in place at this time. Art and Mughal cultured grew during this time and they used the Silk Road and the Indian Ocean as trade networks. The Mughals used the tactics of the Ottoman empire, by using gunpowder to stay in power.
  • Period: to

    Qing Dynasty

    The Qing Dynasty was the last dynasty to rule China.This dynasty came after the Ming dynasty. During the rule of the Qing dynasty, isolationism, civil exam, Buddhism, and Confucianism still remained a part of China. While they ruled, it was very peaceful, with the Manchu culture expanding and arts expanding as well. Chinese territories also grew into Central Asia and even into Tibet.
  • Period: to

    The Enlightenment

    The enlightenment was a time where there was a shift in thinking due to the ideas that were brought during the Renaissance. These new ideas revolved around happiness, equality, rationality, progress and reason. Nationalism was also an idea that was brought up during this time and it's still an idea that is used today. Because there were so many new ideas there was a lot of disagreement and this led to revolutions and lots of conflict. The period of enlightenment was named the Age of Reason.
  • Period: to

    The Industrial Revolution

    The Industrial Revolution was a new era. because the enlightenment brought many revolutions new governments had to be formed with new ideals. English landowners bought land from Village farmers and began to make them into larger fields. this was known as the enclosure movement. during this time these landowners experimented on the land with new scientific ideas to try and improve agricultural production. when Jethro Tull invented the seed drill, this revolution took a whole new turn.
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    The American Revolution started after the colonists helped with the French and Indian war. They received a lot of taxes from the British to pay for war debt. This made the colonies feel like they were being taxed without enough representation hence the phrase " no taxation without representation". In 1775 they began to protest the unfair taxes and this started the American Revolution. In 1783, the war was won, giving them independence. The Declaration of Independence was written shortly after.
  • Period: to

    The French Revolution

    This revolution was inspired by the Enlightenment and the American Revolution.The French were tired of being controlled by royalty. This caused the third estate to create the National Assembly who then created the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen to overthrow the monarchy. This started the revolution and the French won, gaining their independence.
  • Period: to

    The Haitian Revolution

    The Haitian Revolution made history by being the first successful slave revolt in history. This was led by Touissant L'Overture. The slaves joined the fight against the French masters which led to Saint Domingue becoming the independent nation Haiti. Haiti was built on the idea of equality and citizenship for all citizens. Haiti was also the first black republic in the world.
  • Period: to

    The Opium Wars

    Opium was made illegal by the emperor of China in 1729 but his efforts did not stop people from getting their hands on it. The First War began in 1839 when Chinese official wouldn't accept Indian Opium from the British. This weakened the Qing Dynasty .The next war began when China wouldn't negotiate trade with western countries. Because of this, opium was legalized as was export of Chinese indentured slaves to Europe.
  • Period: to

    The Tanzimat Reforms

    In response to industrialization in this period, the Ottoman Empire went through many reforms. Sultans came up with a secular education system as a result of this. In 1856, the Ottoman Reform Edict was made the new legal system due to all of the new laws that were created. This declared equality for everyone no matter your religion or race.
  • Period: to

    The Taiping Rebellion

    The Taiping rebellion was an attempt to overthrow the Qing Dynasty in China by essentially starving the lower class. This method failed in 1864, with the help of France and Britain. The internal problems caused by this revolt made it much easier for other countries to dominate the economic affairs with China that they had through the spheres of influence. This rebellion, along with the plague and famine, was responsible for the death of 20 million people.
  • Period: to

    The Sepoy Mutiny

    The British made rifle cartridges that had been greased with the fat of pigs and cows and this infuriated the Hindus and Muslims. Cows are a sacred Hindu symbol and Muslims refuse to kill pigs. Many of the British armed forces were these religions and they started to think that the British were trying to convert them to Christianity. The Sepoy Mutiny was a revolt against the british which eventually led to the death of thousands of people.
  • Period: to

    The Meiji Revolution

    The Meiji Revolution was a political revolution changed the Japanese forever. During this time, Japan began to modernize due to European influence. This led to more modern clothing, railroads, schools, banks, more modern hospitals and language institutions. Thousands of illiterate Japanese people began to read the newspaper and women started to become more equal to men.
  • Period: to

    The Berlin Conference

    The Berlin Conference of 1884 was called to settle land disputes that the Europeans countries had during the Scramble for Africa. No african rulers were invited to the conference so they had no input. The European countries agreed that any of them could claim land in Africa by simply just sending in troops to occupy the wanted land. This gave European nations the opportunity to take control of Africa, dismissing the natives living there before them.
  • Period: to

    The Scramble for Africa

    The scramble for Africa was when European colonies competed for different territories in Africa. The decisions for the splitting up of African land was made at the berlin conference with no African rulers invited. With no regard to the native cultures of Africa, European troops could be sent in occupying the land that they wanted. The border lines were drawn which then resulted in the splitting up of many cultural groups conflict arose.