Period: to
Prenatal Development
Prenatal development consists of every developmental stage from conception to birth. I don't believe my prenatal development consists of anything exceptional, except for a higher potential than normal to be exposed to certain teratogens. My birth mother (who I am not in contact with) was a heavy smoker and she may have done it while pregnant. -
WORST moment of my life so far. -
Period: to
Piaget's Sensorimotor Stage.
In this stage, children like toys, games, and items that stimulate their sensory receptors. I was told by my parents that I was very fond of by pacifier during this period. -
Period: to
Erikson's Trust vs Mistrust.
During this stage, children learn to either trust if their basic needs are met, or not if they aren't. I believe in this stage my mother and father met most of my essential needs, leading to the ability for me to trust others. -
Period: to
Erikson's Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt.
In this stage, Children learn to be more independent and if they aren't given that independence, they doubt their abilities. I believe I was given enough independence at this age to develop a proper sense of autonomy. -
Period: to
Piaget's Preoperational Stage.
During this stage, children begin to think symbolically and start imitating those around them. During this stage, I used to imitate my friend's behaviors and actions when playing with them. -
Period: to
Erikson's Initiative vs Guilt.
During this stage, Children learn to initate tasks and make decisions. If children don't learn this ability, they develop a sense of guilt. I believe for the most part I went through this stage successfully, but my parents we're quite apprehensive of me making my own decisions for a large portion of my life. -
Period: to
Erikson's Industry vs Inferiority.
During this stage of development, children learn to be productive and accept criticism. If they do not learn these skills, they may begin to feel inferior to those around them. I believe I struggled with this stage during my younger years and frequently thought I was inferior to my peers. Over time though, I developed the ability to properly be productive and not feel inferior. -
Period: to
Piaget's Concrete Operational Stage.
This is the stage in which children develop more logical ways of thinking. For me, this stage was when I started understanding more complex games, like Chess and Mancala. -
Piaget's Formal Operational Stage.
From this stage on, people are generally able to think about abstract concepts and form logical reasoning skills. Some individuals may never reach this stage if they have never been encouraged to think critically. I personally believe I have reached this stage but maybe I haven't yet, I'll just have to wait and see. -
Period: to
Erikson's Identity vs Confusion.
In this stage, adolescents experiment and develop an identity of their own. I believe I am currently in this process as I am unsure what I am doing with my life thus far. -
18th birthday
In many Western cultures, the 18th birthday is the event when a child becomes an adult and takes on many responsibilities they have not had until then. -
Period: to
Erikson's Intimacy vs Isolation.
People typically go through their first love and heartbreak in this stage. This stage is when a person starts establishing relationships with others and people are able to be intimate. I am currently in a relationship and I would like to believe it is going pretty well, but as I am a high schooler I know the chances of it lasting are not high. Despite this, I have so far been mostly successful in being emotionally vulnerable with my partner, which is a large step in intimacy. -
Due date of this assignment
Not much to say about this event in particular but due dates are a very good motivator to get things you want other people to do, done. -
Period: to
Erikson's Generativity vs Stagnation.
In this stage, adults may begin to wonder if what they are doing in their lives is contributing positively to the world. If they are not contributing positively, or otherwise are unhappy, they may begin to stagnate and succumb to addiction or depression in order to cope. I hope that with my future career choice of being a nurse, I fulfill whatever purpose I may have of helping others and not stagnate or rot away in a dead-end job. -
Erikson's Integrity vs Despair.
This is Erikson's final psychosocial stage. Elderly people may think back on their lives and wonder if they truly did good in the world. Those who have done well generally feel at peace with their lives and die happily, while individuals who feel they did poorly in life may beg for forgiveness and live the rest of their lives full of despair until death. While this is quite far off from my life as of now, I hope I do enough in my life to where I can die knowing I did the best I could.