AP History Inquiry Project Ch. 7

  • Period: 558 BCE to 330 BCE

    The Achaemenid Empire

  • 548 BCE

    Cyrus conquers Lydia and Anatolia.

    Cyrus conquers Lydia and Anatolia.
  • 539 BCE

    Cyrus takes control of Babylon

  • 530 BCE

    Cyrus the Great dies in battle and his son Cambyses takes control

    Cyrus the Great dies in battle and his son Cambyses takes control
  • 525 BCE

    Cambyses conquers Egypt and the Nile

  • 520 BCE

    Darius becomes the Achaemenid emperor

    Darius becomes the Achaemenid emperor
    Darius created the Persian Royal Road, new techniques of governing a large kingdom, satraps for each region, a uniform coin, and much more for Persia. He is called the greatest Achaemenid emperor in history.
  • 520 BCE

    The Persian Royal Road and Achaemenid Legal Systems are Created

  • Period: 500 BCE to 331 BCE

    the Persian wars

    Greek cities under Achaemenid rule rebel against the empire and large fleets of Greek solders invaded the Persians land.
  • 331 BCE

    Alexander the Great ends the Achaemenid empire.

    Alexander the Great ends the Achaemenid empire.
    Alexander and an army of around forty thousand men defeat the Achaemenid army during the battle of Gaugamela to later take over Prespolis effectively ending the Achaemneid Empire.
  • 323 BCE

    Alexander the great dies

    Alexander the great dies
    Alexander dies of an unknown illness shortly after he defeated the Achaemenid empire
  • Period: 323 BCE to 83 BCE

    The Seleucid Empire

  • 305 BCE

    The Seleucid empire is created

  • Period: 247 BCE to 224

    The Parthian Empire

  • 155 BCE

    The Parthians gain control of Iran and Mesopotamia

    The Parthians gain control of Iran and Mesopotamia
    The Parthians gained complete independence from the Seleucids and expanded their power to Mesopotamia.
  • 83 BCE

    Roman conquerors destroy the Selecuid Empire

    Roman conquerors destroy the Selecuid Empire
  • 100

    Zoroastrianism become popular in Classical Persia

    Zoroastrianism become popular in Classical Persia
  • 224

    Sasanids destroy the Parthian Empire

  • Period: 224 to 651

    The Sasanid Empire

  • 651

    Arab armies invade Sasanid territory and end the empire

    Arab armies invade Sasanid territory and end the empire