Apr 27, 1215
Magna Carta was Signed in England
guarenteed the people's certain rights and bound the king to certain laws. Important bc it was a major step in forming modern democracy -
Period: Apr 27, 1215 to
AP Eurp Timeline
Apr 27, 1305
Great Schiesm in Roman Catholic Church begins
Apr 27, 1321
Divine Comedy
begins vernacular literature -
Apr 27, 1338
Hundred Years War begins
civil war in England between the Landcasters and the York family for the crown -
Apr 27, 1419
Prince Henry forms the Navigation Schools
starts the Age of Exploration and gets Portugal ahead -
Apr 27, 1450
Renaissance Begins
defined as the rebirth in interest in art, education, and trade and also intellectual movement
Humanists played an important role -
Apr 27, 1450
War of the Roses in england
1450-1485 -
Apr 27, 1487
Dias voyage to the Cape of Good Hope
Apr 27, 1492
Columbus lands in the Western Hemisphere
Apr 27, 1492
Unification of Spain completed
Apr 27, 1494
Treaty of Tordesillas
divided newly discovered world into separate Portugese and Spanish spheres of influence -
Apr 27, 1497
De Gamas Voyage to India
create a trade route to India -
Apr 27, 1497
Cabot sails to North America
Apr 27, 1500
Cabral claims Brazil for Portugal
Apr 27, 1502
Vespucci created the Map of the New World
Apr 27, 1517
Martin Luther begins Protestant Reformation
16th century religious, political, intellectual and cutlural upheaval that splintered catholic Europe setting in place the structures and beliefs to find the continent in the modern era -
Apr 27, 1525
First German Religious War
War between the armies that support Luther (protestants) and the emperors armeis
Result of this: Peace of Augsburg -
Apr 27, 1529
Marburg Colloquy
the debate between Ulrich Zwingli and Martin Luther DEBATE -
Apr 27, 1534
Act of Supremacy/ the Creation of the Anglican Church
AOS made the king the leader of the church and created the Anglican Church from withdrawing the Roman Catholic Church -
Apr 29, 1540
Scientific Revolution begins
Apr 27, 1543
Scientific Revolution
the emergence of modern science during the early modern period when developments in math, physics. astronomy, biology, and chemistry transformed views of society and nature -
Apr 27, 1545
Council of Trent
where Pope Paul III forms a council to examine every belief and practice of the RCC against scripture -
Apr 27, 1555
Peace of Augsburg
Ended the German Religious War and allowed the leaders of the German states to decide how their people will worship and Lutherism was granted equal legal standing -
Apr 27, 1559
Elizabethan Settlement
temporarily resolves the religious conflict in England -
Apr 27, 1562
The French Wars of Religion
period of fighting within france between Catholics and Huguenots -
Apr 28, 1581
Golden Age of the Dutch Republic
1581- 1672 -
Edict of Nantes
ended the French Wars of religion
- grants freedom of worship to the Huguenots that make up the majority of the population
- grants political equality to the Huguenots with Catholics
- in cities where they are the majority of the population, Huguenots can have fortified cities
- the RC faith is made the official religion of France -
James I brings Stuart rule to England
Jamestown Established
first successful British colony in the Americas -
Quebec established
Samuel de Champlain led the first French settlers to build the first French settlement there -
Reign of Louis XIII in France
1610- 43 -
Michael Romanov re- establishes czarist rule in Russia
Thirty Years War
1619-1648 -
Hohenzollerns come to power in Prussia
English Civil War
1642-1648 -
Reign of Louis XIV in France
1643-1715 -
Cromwell rules England
1649-1658 -
the return of a Stuart king into the throne of England (Charles II) -
Edict of Fontainebleau
revoked the Edict of Nantes -
Glorious Revolution
Bloodless taking of the throne by William and Mary -
Peter the Great rules Russia
1689-1725 -
War of Spanish Succession
1702-1713 -
Enlightenment begins
War of Austrian Succession
1740-1748 -
Seven Years War (French and Indian War in America)
1756-1763 -
Treaty of Paris,1763
Declaration of Indpendence
American Revolution
1776-1783 -
Treaty of Paris, 1783
French Revolution
1789-1799 -
Rule of Napoleon
1799-1814 -
Congress of Vienna
1814-1815 -
Revolutions in Central and South America
Peterloo Massacre
Monroe Doctrine
European continental countries began industrializing
July Revolution in France
Louis Philippe in France
1830-1848 -
reform act passed in Great Britain
Grand National Consolidated Trades Union formed
Victorian Age in Great Britain
time that Great Britain was ruled by Queen Victoria, and this is the longest in British History; 1837-1901 -
Chartist Movement
working men who decided that the way to get change involved getting involved with the government. -
Great Potato Famine in Ireland
Revolutions of 1848
Frankfurt Assembly in Germany
1848-1849; the form of Government in Prussia after Napoleon -
Great Exhibition in Great Britain
Crimean War
1854-1856 -
Unification of Italy
1858-1870 -
Civil War in the United States
1861-1865 -
Emancipation Proclamation in US
Unification of Germany
1864-1871 -
Third French Republic proclaimed
Congress of Berlin
everyone wants land on the Balkan Peninsula but the people want to be Independent. Otto Von Bismarck meets to settle -
Triple Alliance Formed
Germany Austria and Italy -
Reform Act of 1884 in GB
Birth of nuclear physics; Start of American Progressive Era
Spanish American war
Russo-Japanese war
Boer war
Triple entente formed
World war 1
Began when the Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assinated -
French policy of coercion in the Rhineland
-1924 -
Mussolini establishes Fascism in italy
Stock market crash in the US
Stock Market crash in US; Stalin becomes dictator of Soviet Union
Japan invades Manchuria
New Deal begins in US; Hitler becomes Nazi dictator of Germany
Spanish Civil War
1936-1939 -
Collapse of League of Nations; Germany occupies Rhineland; Rome- Berlin Axis Treaty
Japan invades China
Anschluss; Munich Conference; Germany takes Sudentenland
New Order/Final Solution
Normandy Invasion; Battle of the Buldge
germany Surrenders; atomic bombs dropped on japan; Japan surrenders
Truman Doctrine
Western Europe falls to Blitzkrieg; Battle of Britain beings