AP Euro Unit 1, Gabby Keith

  • Period: 1350 to

    Italian Renaissance

    The revival of Greek and Roman learning and ideologies after the Middle Ages. Included advancements in art, science, technology, literature, etc.
  • Period: 1400 to

    Northern Renaissance

    The Renaissance spreading to European countries north of Italy like England, Finland, Germany, etc. Brought the spread of the printing press.
  • Period: 1428 to 1429

    The Siege of Orleans

    A turing point in the 100 Years War and Joan of Arcs first major victory.
  • Period: 1438 to

    Habsburg Dynasty

  • Period: 1450 to

    Commercial Revolution

    The rise of using money over trading in Europe.
  • 1454

    Gutenburg Bible

    The first printed bible created during the Northern Renaissance with the printing press.
  • 1474

    Isabella I of Castile comes into power.

  • 1479

    Ferdinand II of Aragon comes into power.

  • Period: 1485 to

    Tudor Dynasty

    The Church of England was created by Henry VIII.
  • Period: 1492 to

    Age of Discovery

    The Age of Discovery started in 1492 when Columbus sailed to the Americas, funded by Spain. Spain and Portugal were the first countries to start exploring, and were later joined by England, the Netherlands, France, etc. It ended in 1607 when Jamestown was founded and the Colonization Era began.
  • Period: 1492 to

    Columbian Exchange

    The exchange of goods and diseases between the New World and Old World.
  • Period: 1500 to

    Triangular Trade

    The trade of slaves across the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Apr 21, 1509

    Henry VIII comes into power.

  • 1513

    The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli

    Machiavelli's advice on how to keep power as a ruler.
  • Period: 1526 to

    Slave Trade

    The trade of slaves from Africa to the Americas.