Jan 1, 1350
Development of the cannon
invention of the cannon mounted on ships helped with territoty expansion. -
Jan 1, 1356
the golden bull of 1356
Jan 1, 1400
The "rebirth" a new golden age
Jan 1, 1400
indiidualis, humanism, and seculerism
Jan 1, 1429
Joan of arc rallies french monarchy
Jan 1, 1434
Cosimo de Medici inherits family banking power in florence
Jan 1, 1453
Sultan Mohammed II seizure of constantipole
Jan 1, 1453
End of the hundred years' war french victory
relief of orleans and joan of arc -
Jan 1, 1469
Marriage of Isabela of Castile and Ferdinand of Agron.
Jan 1, 1477
union of habsburg and burgundy dynasties through marriage of Johanna and phillip.
Jan 1, 1477
Habsbrg unity of most europe, marriage of miximilian I and Mary of burgundy
Jan 1, 1487
Diaz pushes portugal south from north africa
Bartholomew Diaz under prince henry the naviagtor of portugal pushes south from north africa. -
Jan 1, 1492
Columbus lands in the "New World"
Jan 1, 1494
Charles VIII of france invades italy
Jan 1, 1500
Brazil is claimed by portugal.
Jan 1, 1509
Portugal controls the indian trade
the portuguese gained contol of Indian trade by overpowering muslim forts in India. -
Jan 1, 1516
The Concordat ofBologna the treaty thatallowed French kings toeffectively control theappointment and policiesof the church officials
Jan 1, 1517
Martin Luther wrote95 theses on the power ofindulgences. Explaining hisbelief that indulgenceswere wrong and did notcorrectly repay for sinscommitted.
Jan 1, 1519
Magellan claimes the western isles for spain
Magellon sails to the western isles and claims them for spain and proves the earth is rounder and larger than columbus thought -
Jan 1, 1519
cortez conquers aztecs
Cortez also claiims mexico city as the capital of new spain. -
Jan 1, 1523
german translation new testament
Jan 1, 1525
Peasants’ revolt inGermany because oflandlord seizure to villageland and crop failures (notsupported by MartinLuther).
Jan 1, 1525
English translation of the new testament
Jan 1, 1527
status of renaissance artists highered.
Jan 1, 1530
Gold and silver rush of spain
Caused by the opening of new mines through spanish expansion. -
Jan 1, 1531
Pizarro conquers Incas
Pizarro conquers the incas of peru and opens the potosi mines shortly after. -
Jan 1, 1533
Ivan the terrible reigns russia
throne at age 13 -
Jan 1, 1542
sacred congregation of the holy office
Jan 1, 1555
Most of NorthernEurope was broken in thecatholic church andProtestantism wasfragmented into sects
Jan 1, 1556
Revolt of the Netherlands
Jan 1, 1559
End of Spanish-French wars
Spanish victory was the cause of many european wars -
Jan 1, 1561
Francis bacon experimental method
Jan 1, 1568
Alva + troops sent to low countries
Sent to crush disturbances in the low countries under habsburg rule -
Nov 21, 1570
tycho brahe astrological observations
Serfdom reestablished
reestablished in prussia, russia, poland. -
Dutch east India company founded
A joint-stock company founded by regents of holland. -
Thirty years' war bohemian phase
1618-1625 -
Battle of white mountain
czech nobles defeated by habsburgs. -
Rene Descartes deductive method
Discoveries in geometry, algebra, and deductive method. -
Society of london founded
brought scientists and practical men together -
richileu dominates french government
Copernicus' theory rejected by church
The counter-reformation
catholic church discouraged science, protestant church pro-science. -
Galilieo tried by the church for heresy
forced to recant his views. -
Richielieu named first minister
english civil war until 1649
Baroque style
French classicism
Age of french classicism art and literature. -
Treaty of Nijmegen
Louis XIV gains flemish and Franche-Comte property. -
Glorious revolution of England
1682-1689 -
Ottoman attack on Austria fails
edict of Nantes revolked
The catholic Louis XIII revolked the edict of nantes that gave protestant huguenots religious freedom. -
Fontelle's "conversations of the plurality"
Stressed progress and uncertainty about religious truth. -
Newton principia showed universal gravitation
Hungary and Transylvania conquered by habsburgs
Great briatin trade expansion
Peace of utrecht
end of the french expansionist policy -
pragmatic sanction
frederick william I of prussia
elementary school mandatory in prussia
foudling homes established
Wesley preches revival in England
Jesuits ordered out of France louis XV
1765 Hargreaves invents the spinning jenny which helped women spin multiple threads at once.
1769 Watt creates a more efficient steam engine than the ones created by Savery and Newcomen.
American revoultion
infanticide common among poor
1789 formation of the national assembly called to by the third estate but was cancelled by king Louis XIV
1789 tennis court oath was written and demanded the representatives of the three estates not leave until they wrote a new constitution
1789 the storming of the bastille by parasians angry about the rising prices of bread
1789 the national assembly's decleration of the rights of man proclaimed the rights of all citizens and guaranteed equality before the law and a representative government
1789 women march Versailles and force the royal family into paris
1791 the decleration of pillnitz is proclaimed by European monarchs afraid of the liberal and radical ideas spreading to their countries promised the restoration of a monarch and threatened the invasion of france by Austria and Prussia.
1792 national convention proclaimes france a republic
1793 Louis XIV and Marie Antionette convicted of treason for attempting to run away, Louis XIV guillotined.
1793 the reign of terror under paranoid Robespierre whom jailed or guillotined thousands of people who didn't have similar ideas
1793 Robespierre creates the committee of public safety and executes girondist leaders with help from the sans-cullotes, he gains complete power
1794 execution of maximillien Robespierre due to his paranoia and excessive guillotining.
1794 thermadorian reaction
1795 the directory rules france
smallpox conquered by innoculation
edward jenner -
1798 Thomas Malthus publishes his essay on overpopulation entitled "Essay on the principle population" arguing that population would grow at a faster rate than food supply
1799 Napoleon overthrows the directory and seizes power of france
1799 French voters approve napoleons constitution
1799 the combination acts law is passed by parliament outlawing the organization of unions and strikes for workers.
Illigetamacy explosion
Literacy expansion
france, scotland, england. -
1800 napoleon creates the bank of France
1800's Ideas of the romantic movement begin to spread across Europe.
mad scramble
a race between the euopean states to conquer countries in africa to expand their territories and colonies. -
1801 France defeats Austria, gains territory in Italy and Germany through the treaty of Luneville
1802 France signs the treaty of Amiens with Britain
1802 the use of pauper apprentices forbidden by parliament
1804 napoleon declares himself the emperor of France
1805 Napoleon defeats Austria and Russia at the battle of Auscherlitz
1810 the cotton spinners in Manchester, England go on strike.
1812 Napoleon and his army invade Russia, but makes a disastrous retreat
1812 luddites attack factories in northern England that they believed were putting them out of work
1812 France goes to war with the great powers, great powers are victorious.
1814 Russia, Austria, Britain, and Prussia form an alliance to defeat Napoleon
1814 Congress of Vienna held by conservatist Metternich of Austria meets with Russia, Prussia, and Britain in order to construct a settlement for peace in Europe and to keep France in check.
1815 the holy alliance (Russia, Prussia, Austria) formed declaring "divine legitimacy" and equal faiths
1815 revision of the corn laws in Britain
1819 Carlsbad decrees issued by Metternich carried out by the German confederation that placed spies to investigate radical and liberal organizations and restrict freedom of the press.
1820-1848 The divided Italy attempted a revolt but was put down by Austrian forces
discovery of quinine
helped tret malaria -
1824 the combination acts are repealed by parliament and unions were allowed but they weren't fully accepted until 1825.
1830 Stephenson creates England's first important railroad with his locomotive the rocket.
1830 Greece inspired by the national revolution fights and becomes independent from the ottoman empire with the help of Britain, France, and Russia.
1832 reform bill in passed Britain and increases the number of eligible voters by 50 percent.
1833 the factory act is passed limting the workday hours for young children and adolescents.
1840's The chlorea outbreak begins in Europe due to unsanitary water wells
1840's rapid population increase causing overcrowding and unsanitary health conditions due to urban industrialization.
1842 the mines act is passed prohibiting women and children under the age of 10 to work underground due to health hazards.
1842 Edwin Chadwicks "sanitary conditions of the laboring population" describes the unsanitary and unsafe conditions of the working population in detail.
1854 the germ theory by Louis Pasteur begins to develop
1845 the great famine begins in Ireland due to potato deficiencies and diseases, and a large increasing population.
1846 polish revolt against Austria
1847 radical and conservative civil war in Switzerland.
1847 the ten hours act is passed in Britain limiting work hours for women and children.
1848 uprising in Naples, Italy.
1848 the revolts of France, Austria, and Prussia.
Louis Napoleon III elected president of France in 1848
1851 the crystal palace (England) holds the great exposition to show off new inventions to the world
Count Camillo Cavour was appointed prime minister of Sardinia by Emmanuel II, he worked towards unification of Italy 1852
perry (united states) opens japan for trade
- through the use of millitary intimidation
- japan wanted to be independent from trade of the united states and europe
1854 Louis Pasteur develops the method of pasteurization after studying fermentation.
1855 Sardinia gained allies with france and Britain by fight with them in the Crimean war against russia
1859 Sardinia with the aid of france successfully fights a war with Austria, and annexed lombardy
1860 Garabaldi leads volunteers in "red shirts" into sicily and successfully conquer sicily and naples
1862 Bismarck becomes chief minister of prussia
1866 Bismarck successfully leads Prussia in the austro-prussian war
Completion of the suez canal
1870-1871 Bismarck wages the Franco-Prussian war against france to bring southern Germany into the union
Congress of berlin
widespread idea of social darwinism
Belief that the white race was superior to the people of asia and africa influincing the idea of new imperialism. -
british take control over egypt
berlin conference
ethiopia repels italian invasion attempt
hundred days reform-china
united states takes over the phillipines
Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary murdered
- start of world war I Murdered by a group of radical bosninan serbs
Austria-hungary issues an ultimatum to serbia
resulted in war -
Russians begin mobilization
-A response to Austro-hungary's decleration of war on Serbia
- Russia had a pact to be allied with serbia in case of war -
Germany declares war on Russia
- because they saw moblization/ pact with serbia as a threat
Germany declares war on France
- because of French moblization the same day as the russians moblized & entangling alliances
Germany executes the schlieffen plan
- Millitary strategy in which the germans would attack france and neutral belgium quickly and then advanced to Russia before they got a chance to help the french due to the fact that they were geographically surrounded by their enemies. (Attack on belgium caused britain to join the side of the french and russians)
First battle of the marne
- French and German armies on the coast of flanders attempting to outflank the other army but proved to be long and ineffective, example of the practice of trench warfare
Sinking of the Lusitania
- Example of the naval warfare practiced by germany, they declared the water around britain a war-zone and sank any ship that tried to enter british ports, the lusitania was a british ship carrying american passangers which made the americans upset and caused them to eventually join the war on the side of russia, britain, france
Rasputin murdered by a group of arch-monarchists
Zimmermann telegram
First russian revolution
- Collapse of capital city Petrograd due to major food shortages where the soliders joined the strikers
- Provisional government took over authority
United States declares war on germany
on the side of the allies (france, russia, britain) -
Russians sign the treaty of Brest-Litovsk
removing them from the war, german confiscation of land was huge but didnt last due to their defeat in the war -
Bolsheviks led by Lenin gain power in russia
Bolshevik revolution
- Bolsheviks take over key positions and gain control through a small revolution causing the collapse of the short-lived provisional government
Armistice ends the war
- Wilhelm (germany) signed an armistice ending the war due to fear that germany would follow the example of russia and revolt
treaty of versailles (French, united states, britain, Italy)
- Made germany responsible fore the outbreak of war
- Alsace-Lorraine was returned to France
- Germany forced to pay huge repeartions for war
- Germany had to limit their army
Czechoslovakia created by combining the lands of the czechs and the slovaks
Hungary became independent
Romania created out of the former Austro-Hungary
Serbia gains territory and creates the state of yugoslavia
Poland becomes independent
collapse of the ottoman empire
Mussolini (italy) organizes the first facist party
weinmar constitution established
formation of communist international
Baltic states Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland created
Wildrow wilson's fourteen points & proposal of the league of nations
- League of nations: international body that would work to settle disputes between nations to create peace
- fourteen points: A document that sought to reduce future tensions between nations by maintaining free trade and ending secret negotiations, emphasized peace between nations to prevent future wars
Bolsheviks adopt the name communists
Fredrich Ebert approves the "free corps" in the weinmar republic
- Voluntary paramillitary groups who served to put down radical rebellions that threatened the exsistence of the republic
Lenin introduces the New Economic Policy (NEP)
- Economic plan that placed control of industry in government hands but also allowed for a scope of private enterprise
- economy made a quick recovery
mussolini becomes prime minister of italy
German economic hyperinflation
Dawes Plan
- an attempt following World War I for the Allies to collect war reparations debt from Germany. The Dawes Plan provided short term economic benefits to the German economy. It softened the burdens of war reparations, stabilized the currency, and brought increased foreign investments and loans to the German market.
Lenin dies, Joseph Stalin gains power in russia
Lucarno agreement (germany and France)
- Germany accepted the current borders of france and germany (alsace lorraine)
- French troops withdrew from the rhinelnad
Kellog-Briand pact
an international treaty "providing for the renunciation of war as an instrument of national policy." It failed in its purpose but was significant for later developments in international law. It was named after the American secretary of state Frank B. Kellogg and French foreign minister Aristide Briand, who drafted the pact. -
Stalin introduces the 5-year plan
- An economic plan introduced with unrealistic expectations for industrial expansion
- Forced collectivation of agriculture of the kulaks
Germany joins the league of nations
stock market crash
Lateran pact
- between Musssolini and Catholic church
- Made peace with the catholic church and papacy officailly recognized the italian state
Young plan
- Economic plan in which United States loaned money to germany to help them pay off reperations
Nazi party makes huge electorial gains
Spread of Facism in the 1930's
- specifically in Germany, Italy
Hitler commits suicide
Franklin Roosevelts 'New Deal'
Nazis becomev largest party in the reichtag, Hitler becomes chancellor
germany withdraws from the league of nations
Reichtag fire
- Reichtag member set the reichstag buidlding on fire which provided hitler with the oppotunity to blame communists and accuse them of being a threat to the government
Enabling act
- Gave nazi party emergency powers to govern the state and made hitler furher after the reichtag fire
Night of the long knives
- Hitler has his old ally and leader of the SA Ernst Rohm murdered because Hitler wanted to make the SA the backbone of a new revolutionary army
nuremberg laws directed against german jews
german remillitarization of the rhineland
British appeasement of Germany
- British give in to german demands due to fear that if combined with the powers of italy, germany would defeat britain
- Allowed german occupation of rhineland, creation of the Rome-Berlin Axis, holding of the olympic games in Berlin
Germany invades Austria
- German troops move into Vienna, other countries dont do anything about it
Germany threatens to invade czechoslovakia unless the sudetenland was given to the reich
- Sudentenland was turned over to germany but they invaded czechoslovakia anyways
Munich agreement
- (britain, france, italy, germany) agreed to the transfer of the sudentenland (which had majority german nationality) if germany agreed to respect the remaining czechoslovakia
Nazi-Soviet nonagression pact
- germans and russians agreed not to attack each other after stalin dosent make any progress in negotiations with british and france
germany invades poland
- immediate cause was the german invasion of poland
Britain and France declare war on germany
- WWII begins, caused by Germanys invasion of poland
Practice of Blitzkrieg warfare by the german army
-Swift attacks using tanks and other highly moblie units, supported by warplanes -
French army defeated by German troops
Winston Churchill replaces Chamberlin as prime minister
Vichy regime created in France replacing the third republic
- France made a deal with germany after their defeat by the german troops in which german troops would occupy more than half of france
- New government created under Marshal Petain who blamed the third republic for the humiliating defeat of FRance who was later convicted as a traitor
Battle of Britain
After quickly defeating most of Western Europe, the Nazis launched an aerial attack against Great Britain in 1940. Believing that the bombing raids would force England's surrender, the raids, targeting both military and civilian targets, lasted until 1941. The British Army withstood the brutal Luftwaffe assault, and Hitler shelved his plan for the invasion of Britain.Turning point of the war for the allies. -
Japanese attack pearl harbor
Entry of the united states into the war
- second turning point of the war, sparked a new energy of war in the west In response to the Japanese attack on pearl harbor and hitlers decleration of war on the united states brought into the conflict of the axis powers (germany, italy, Japan)
Germans launch operation barbarossa
- German attack on the Soviet Union ( hitler had dreamed of defeating the soviet union)
Atalntic charter
1941-Pledge signed by US president FDR and British prime minister Winston Churchill not to acquire new territory as a result of WWII and to work for peace after the war -
Russia, united states, Britain form an alliance against germany
"the allies" -
D-Day invasion
- Allies invade western europe from great britain, Russian lifting of the seige of Leningrad
- Marked the beginning of the end for nazis
percentages agreement (Churchill and Stalin)
document between Churchill and Stalin that divided the various nations of Eastern Europe into spheres of influence based on percentages of influence. it was refused entirely by the US -
Yalta conference
conference at which the Declaration of Liberated Europe was passed saying that governments were to be formed that were broadly representative of all democratic elements in the population and that free elections were to be held at the earliest possible time -
Potsdam conference
- The final wartime meeting of the leaders of the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union was held at Potsdam, outside Berlin in July 1945. Truman, Churchill, and Stalin discussed the future of Europe but their failure to reach meaningful agreements soon led to the onset of the Cold War.
VE day
May 8, 1945; The name of the day which ended World War II -
Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima&Nagasaki
vj day
-Japanese government surrendered on August 14, 1945
--peace was signed aboard USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay on September 2, 1945
--Allies declared victory over Japan -
United nations created as a charter is ratified
the organization created to replace the League Of Nations, based in New York to ensure the US' participation in the organization -
Nuremberg Trials
- Trials for the crimes against humanity committed by the nazis
Establishment of fourth republic france
refendelum establishes the italian republic
Churchill's iron curtain speech
Marshal Plan Introduced
America's economic aid package for Europe. it resulted in Stalin taking a harsher stance against America, thinking that this was a method through which the States sought to gain support in East European nations. -
India and Pakistan become independent
Truman Doctrine
American policy that dominated the Cold War. "it must be the policy of the US to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures." -
Soviet Union and Yugoslavia break
Isreal established as a state
National health service established in Great Britain
plan that was begun by the Labour Party in 1945 which was a cradle-to-grave social welfare program, providing for a comprehensive system of free health care. -
Berlin airlfit leads to ending of the blockade
NATO formed
North Atlantic Treaty Organization; an alliance made to defend one another if they were attacked by any other country; US, England, France, Canada, Western European countries
Importance- Gave each country the piece of mind they needed agianst the Communists -
Death of Stalin
French defeated in indochina
warsaw pact
treaty signed in 1945 that formed an alliance of the Eastern European countries behind the Iron Curtain; USSR, Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania -
Uprisings in hungary put down by soviet troops
construction of the berlin wall
Cuban missle crisis
the 1962 confrontation bewteen US and the Soviet Union over Soviet missiles in Cuba -
Student protests in United states and europe
Prague spring
refers to the Czechoslovakian reform movement that occurred in 68. led by Alexander Dubcek -
Brandt becomes german chancellor
"bloddy sunday" ireland
thirteen catholic peace makers shot -
Jon Paul II elected pope
Margaret Thatcher becomes prime minister
the first woman prime minister of great britain -
Gorbachev becomes leader of the soviet union
End of communist rule in Europe
reunification of germany
end of the soviet union
maastricht treaty
former yugoslavia violent ethnic problems
Putin becomes president of russia
introduction of the euro
former warsaw pact countries enter NATO