Period: Mar 7, 1265 to Mar 7, 1321
Dante Alighieri
Date Lived
Wrote divine comedy and Vita Nouva, which started the Vernacular of Italy. -
Mar 7, 1304
Known as the birth of modernity, drivin by unchristianed philosophy that stressed dignity of human kind. Individualsim, secularism, and classicism ( study of Greeks and Romans).
Petrarch was the father of Humanism -
Period: Mar 7, 1313 to Mar 7, 1375
Giovanni Boccacio
He wrote Democran, which was about the black plauge and also collected classic manuscripts. -
Period: Mar 7, 1363 to Mar 7, 1434
Christino de Pisan
Daughter of Physician to King Charles V. Leaned classical languages. Wrote poems such as "The Tresure of The City of Ladies". -
Period: Jan 1, 1375 to Dec 31, 1527
Period: Jan 1, 1378 to Dec 31, 1382
Ciompi Revlot
Poor revolt against the rich -
Period: Mar 7, 1389 to Mar 7, 1464
Coismo de Medici
Built a mercenary army to crush the Ciompi Revolt. Manipulated the government to do his work. Created signoria, a council of 6-8 people placed there by Coismo -
Period: Mar 7, 1406 to Mar 7, 1457
Lorenzo Valla
Wrote "Elegences of the Latin Language" That later became a source for protestants. Critiziced "Donation" which hurt the Cathilic church even though he was Catholic. -
Mar 7, 1439
Florentine Academy
Informal gathering of humanists devoted to the teachings of Plato and other Greeks. -
Period: Mar 7, 1463 to Mar 7, 1494
Pico della Marindola
He wrote the "Oration of the Dignity of Man" Which was about the nature of humankind. -
Period: Mar 7, 1478 to Mar 7, 1492
Lorenzo the magnificent
Date he reigned.
Became the despot, like a dictator, over Florence.
Visconti family ruled Milan. Sforza family ruled later in Milan. -
Period: Mar 7, 1478 to Mar 7, 1529
Baloassare Castiglione
He wrote "Book of the Coutier" a guide for nobilty about humanism. Combined music and classical history together really well.