Dec 24, 1430
Age of Exploration: 1430-1700
Dec 24, 1440
The Renaissance: 1440's-1600's
Dec 24, 1455
War of the Roses: 1455-1485
Dec 24, 1492
Reconquista: 1492
Dec 24, 1517
Protestant Reformation: 1517-1648
Dec 24, 1525
Peasants Revolt in Germany: 1525
Dec 24, 1545
Catholic Reformation: 1545-1648
Dec 24, 1550
Scientific Revolution: 1550-1700
Dec 24, 1562
Frist French War of Religion: 1562-1598
Dec 24, 1572
St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre: 1572
Thirty Years War- 1618-1648
English Civil War- 1642-1651
Glorious Revolution- 1688-1698
Enlightenment- 1690-1780
War of Spanish Succession- 1701-1714
War of Austrian Succession- 1740-1748
Seven Years War- 1754-1763
French and Indian War-1756-1763
Pugachev’s Rebellion- 1773-1775
American Revolution- 1775-1783
First Industrial Revolution- 1780-1850
French Revolution- 1789-1799
Romanticism- 1790-1850
Reign of Terror- 1793-1794
Napoleonic Wars- 1803-1815
Napoleon Bonaparte is voted emperor of France for life- 1803
Congress of Vienna and Concert of Europe- 1814
Bourbon Monarch is Restored- 1816
Young Italy was formed- 1830’s
Victorian Era- 1837-1901
Revolutions in France, Germany & Austria- 1848
Communist Manifesto was Written- 1848
Unification of Italy- 1848-1870
Unification of Germany-1850-1871
Harriet Beech Stowe wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin-1852
Crimean War- 1853-1856
American Civil War- 1861-1865
Austro-Prussian War- 1866
Franco-Prussian War- 1870-1871
Greatest period of economic growth in the US- 1870-1900
Second Industrial Revolution- 1870-1914
New Imperialism- 1870-1914
Congress of Berlin-1878
Japan turns militaristic- 1890-1930
Russo-Japanese War- 1904
World War I- 1914-1918
Sinking of the Lusitania- 1915
February Revolution, March Revolution and Bolshevik Revolution- 1917
Wilson’s 14 Points- 1918
Paris Peace Conference/Signing of the Congress of Berlin - 1919
Suffrage for Women- 1920
Japan takes Manchuria- 1931
Hitler withdraws Germany from League of Nations; Geneva Disarmament Conference- 1933
Germany rebuilds military; Italy invades Ethiopia- 1935
Haile Selassie at the League of Nations; Germany occupies Rhineland; Rome-Berlin Axis Treaty-1936
Japan invades China- 1937
Anschluss; Munich Conference -1938
World War II- 1939-1945
Germany invades Czechoslovakia; Hitler-Stalin Pact; British French Ultimatum; Germany invades Poland; GB and France declare war on Germany; Soviet Union invades Poland- 1939
All of W Europe falls to Blitzkrieg; Tripartite Pact; German invasion of N. Africa; Battle of Britain begins- 1940
German army rescues the Italian army in the Balkans; New Order, Final Solution, Holocaust; Germany invades the Soviet Union; death camps in Soviet Union; Japan attacks Pearl Harbor; Germany declares war on US- 1941
Battle of Midway; North Africa campaign; formation of the Allied Command; Free French; Allied Bombing strategy; V Rockets; Germany first-Island Hopping- 1942
Allied invasion of Italy; Battle of Stalingrad; Tehran Conference- 1943
Assassination attempt on Hitler; Normandy Invasion; Iwo Jima; Battle of the Bulge- 1944
Yalta Conference; Germany surrenders; Manhattan Project; Potsdam Conference/Ultimatum; Hiroshima and Nagasaki- 1945
Nuremburg Trials- 1945-1946
Truman Doctrine Issued- 1947
Cold War- 1947-1991
Marshall Plan- 1948
Berlin Airlift- 1948-1949
NATO is formed- 1949
Khruschev becomes the new leader of the Soviet Union- 1953
Civil Rights Movement- 1954-1968
Vietnam War- 1955-1975
Europe Economic Community was created- 1957
Eisenhower Doctrine issued- 1957
1960: Feminist Movement
Bay of Pigs Invasion- 1961
Cuban Missile Crisis- 1962
Beginning of the British Invasion- 1962
JFK’s assassination- 1963
March on Washington- 1964
Gulf of Tonkin Incident/Resolution- 1964
Mid 1960's: Prague Spring- Czechoslovakia
1966: issue of Algeria wanting to be independent from France with Charles de Gaulle as leader who withdraws France from NATO, declining its power
1966: Leonid Brezhnev replaces Khrushchev as SU leader
6 Day War-1967
1967: Six Day War (Arabs and Israelis)
1970's: Watergate Scandal
US and North Vietnam agree to gradually withdraw their troops- 1973
1973: OAPEC (Arab countries place oil embargo on US because they support Israel)
1973: Détente (and Helsinki Accords)
1975: Antiballistic Missile Treaty, Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and Camp David Accords
1977: Feminists' Movement (Roe vs. Wade)
1978: Iranian Hostage Crisis
1979: Maastricht Treaty
1980's: Reaganomics (Ronald Reagan) and Margaret Thatcher (accomplishments)
1980's: Mujahjadeen begin civil war against Afghanistan's communist government
1980's: Mikhail Gorbachev- leader of SU who is the "New Communist"
1980's: perestroika and glasnost
1980's: Boris Yeltsin- elected president of Russia
1980's: Green Movement
1980's: Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution/Red Guard
1990's-2000's: terrorism (9/11, Osama Bin Laden)