Hohenzollerns established in Brandenburg
Period: 1533 to
Ivan IV the Terrible
Merger of Poland and Lithuania
Period: 1580 to
Plays of Shakespeare
Period: to
Sigismund III
Period: to
Christian IV (Denmark)
Period: to
Philip III (Spain)
Period: to
Time of Troubles
Period: to
James I
Protestant Union
A league of German Protestant states that was under the leader of the Elector Palatine Frederick IV (a military alliance among Protestant German states for mutual protection against the rising power of Roman Catholic states from the Counter-Reformation Europe) --> Catholic League of German states created to counter it -
Catholic League
Hohenzollerns acquire lands along the Rhine
Period: to
Louis XIII
Period: to
Gustavus Adolphus
Period: to
Michael Romanov
Election of Habsburg Archduke Ferdinand as king of Bohemia
Bohemian revolt against Ferdinand
Hohenzollerns acquire East Prussia
Period: to
Bohemian Phase
Battle of White Mountain
Period: to
Philip IV (Spain)
Spanish conquest of Palatinate
Period: to
Cardinal Richelieu as chief minister
Period: to
Charles I (of England)
Period: to
Danish phase
Period: to
Paintings of Rembrandt
Petition of Right
Edict of Restitution
Period: to
Swedish phase
Battle of Lutzen
Battle of Nordlingen
Period: to
Franco-Swedish phase
Period: to
Frederick William the Great Elector
Period: to
Ministry of Cardinal Mazarin
Period: to
First Civil War
Battle of Rocroi
Period: to
Louis XIV
Peace of Westphalia
Official recognition of United Provinces
Second Civil War
Period: to
First Fronde
Executions of Charles I
Period: to
Period: to
Second Fronde
Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan
Beginning of liberum veto
Period: to
Charles X (Sweden)
Death of Cromwell
Period: to
Leopold I (Austrian Empire)
Peace of the Pyrenees
The war in Germany officially ended by the Peace of Westphalia but the war between France and Spain did not stop until the Peace of the Pyrenees -
‘‘Bloodless Revolution’’
Restoration of mnarchy
Period: to
Charles XI (Sweden)
Period: to
Charles II
Cavalier Parliament
Period: to
Plays of Racine
Period: to
First war (versus Triple Alliance)
Declaration of Indulgence
Suspended laws that Parliament had passed against Catholics and Puritans -
Period: to
Dutch War
Period: to
William III (House of Orange)
Test Act
An act passed by Parliament that said only Anglicans could hold military and civil offices -
Turkish siege of Vienna
Edict of Fontainebleau
Recanted the edict of Nantes and allowed the destruction of Huguenots churches and the closing of Protestant schools and also prohibited Huguenots from leaving France (though ~200,000 Huguenots left and sought asylum in England, United Provinces, and German states) -
Period: to
James II
Declaration of Indulgence (by James II)
Glorious Revolution
Period: to
Elector Frederick III (King Frederick I)
Bill of Rights
John Locke, Two Treatises of Government
Period: to
Peter the Great
Period: to
War of the League of Augsburg
A war against Spain, HRE, United Provinces, Sweden, and England --> brought economic depression and famine to France -
Period: to
First trip to the West
Period: to
Charles XII
Treaty of Karlowitz
Period: to
Great Northern War
Period: to
War of the Spanish Sucession
War for the succession to the Spanish throne; England, United Provinces, Habsburg Austria, and German states worried that this would upset Europe's balance of power --> End: Austria gains Spanish Netherlands, Milan, Manuta, Sardinia , and Naples -
Construction of Saint Petersburg Begins
Battle of Poltava