Ap art history early christian

  • Period: 200 to 400

    Catacomb of Priscilla (Rome)

    tufa and fresco (Late antique Europe)
  • Period: 422 to 432

    Santa Sabina (Rome)

    brick and stone, wooden roof (Late Antique Europe)
  • 500

    Vienna Genesis (Italy)

    tempera, gold, silver, purple vellum (Early Byzantine
  • Period: 500 to 600

    Virgin Theotokos and Child (Mt. Sinai Monastery)

    encaustic on wood (Byzantine)
  • Period: 526 to 547

    San Vitale (Ravenna, Italy)

    Brick, marble, stone veneer, mosaic= Justinian and Theodora (Byzantine)
  • Period: 532 to 537

    Hagia Sophia (Istanbul)

    brick and ceramic with stone and mosaic (Byzantine)
  • 550

    Merovingian Fibulae (Western Europe)

    silver, garnet inlay (Early Medieval)
  • 700

    Lindisfarne Gospels (Scotland)

    ink, pigments, gold on vellum (Early Medieval)
  • 800

    Sainte Foy (Conques, France)

    reliquary= gold, silver, gemstones and enamel over wood (Romanesque)
  • Period: 1066 to 1080

    Bayeux Tapestry (England)

    Embroidery on Linen (Romanesque)
  • Period: 1145 to 1220

    Chartres Cathedral (France)

    Limestone, stained glass (gothic), built in two periods
  • Period: 1225 to 1245

    Dedication Page from Bibles Moralise (France)

    illuminated manuscript (ink, tempura, gold leaf on vellum)
  • Period: 1300 to 1325

    Rottgen Pieta (Germany)

    wood, paint ( gothic)
  • 1320

    Golden Haggadah (Spain)

    pigments and gold leaf on vellum (late medieval
  • Period: 1320 to 1340

    Bapistere de St. Louis (Mamluks= Egypt+ Syria)

    Muhammad ibn al-Zain= brass inlaid with gold and silver