Period: 1341 to
Age of exploration
Discovery of Madeira Portugal
Portuguese explorers discover the Madeira islands marking the beginning of Portugal’s exploration and colonization efforts -
Bartolomeu Dias rounds the cape of good hope
Dias becomes the first European to sail around the southern tip of Africa opening sea route of Asia -
Christopher Columbus first voyage Spain
Columbus sponsored by Spain reaching the new world, landing in the Bahamas and marking the beginning of European exploration in the americas. -
John Cabot’s voyage England
Cabot sailing under the English flag, reaches the coast of North America claiming land for England. -
Vasco da gamba reaches India
Da Tamar’s voyage to India establishes a direct sea route from Europe to Asia boosting trade with the east -
Pedro Alvarez Cabral discovers Brazil
Cabral accidentally lands on the coast of Brazil claiming it for Portugal and beginning Portuguese colonization in South America -
Vasco núñez de balboa discovers the Pacific Ocean
Balboa crosses the isthmus of Panama and becomes the first European to see the Pacific Ocean from the new world. -
Ferdinand Magellan’s expeditions
Magellan fleet under Spanish flag becomes the first to circumnavigate the globe providing the earth is round -
Giovanni da Verrazzano explores the east coast
Verrazzon sailing for France explores the east coast of North America including New York harbor -
Francisco Pizarro conquers the Inca empire
Pizarro leads the Spanish conquest of the Inca empire ( in present day Peru ) expanding Spanish territories in South America. -
Jacques cartiers first voyage
Cartier explores the gulf of Saint Lawrence claiming the region for France and marking the beginning of French exploration in Canada -
Sir Francis drakes circumnavigation
Drake becomes the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe raiding Spanish settlements along the way -
Founding of Jamestown
The first permanent English settlement in North America is established in Jamestown Virginia -
Founding of Quebec City
Samuel de Champlain establishes Quebec City solidifying French presence in North America -
The mayflower lands at Plymouth
Pilgrims aboard the mayflower establish Plymouth colony (present day Massachusetts) seeking religious freedom. -
La sale claims Louisiana
Robert de la salle explores the Mississippi River and claims the surrounding territory for France naming it Louisiana