Anything can Happen

  • Period: to

    Anything Can Happen

    Where were you when?
  • Parents Wedding

    on this day, my parents (rob and jan) were married. they have been married 24 years.
  • UN Peace Plan

    UN Peace Plan
    Cambodia's 4 fractions agreed to the united nations peace plan. this brought thoughts of peace throughout the country
  • My parents buy their first house

    my parents confirmed their first house purchase. we have lived here ever since.
  • 2 Day battle

    2 Day battle
    the ensuing two day battle killed over 100 people. human rights agencies reported nearly 800 arrest and between 41 and 60 executions.
  • My Birthday

    today i am born into the rondeau family. i weighed 7.9 pounds when i was born
  • Radar Reveals Hidden Ruins in Cambodia

    prehistoric mounds and temples were found at the ancient city of Ângkôr. most were bult around the twelvth century
  • Grandmother passed away

    my moms, mother passes away in october of 2000. it is a very tragic loss in the family
  • Bridge is constructed

    First bridge across the Mekong River opens, linking east and west Cambodia.
  • First Disney trip

    we are finally venturing into the travel industry. finally went to disney land in california( first time)
  • hun sen again

    prime minister hun sen is re-elected. this happened after a deadlock in polls for the country
  • My first nephew

    my first nephew was born. he is the only nephew i am going to have.
  • Crimes against humanity

    "brother number two" is arrested for committing crimes against humanity. this has too do with the cambodia genocide
  • My brother's graduation

    my brother graduate highschool.(im surprised). he went off to ccri for 2 years.
  • tensions rise

    tensions rise after arresting two spies who crossed the dispute border. before they exchanged fire across the border
  • Grandfathers Passing away

    my grandfather passed away who was very close to me. his loss was very tragic to the whole family
  • king dies

    Former king, Norodom Sihanouk, dies of a heart attack. He was 89.
  • My Graduation

    i have finally completed my 4 years of highschool. i am now going to persue my later years in college
  • country corrupts

    after years of hardship the country is going to go currupt. tensions will ease as years pass
  • My brothers wedding

    my brother has been dating his girlfriend for 10 years now. they are getting married in jamaica
  • cambodia at peace

    cambodia now settled another peace treaty with rivaling tribes. the country is now at peace, no hardships