Antonio Calvo Carrión

  • Birth Date

    In this year, Antonio Calvo Carrión was born in La Algaba, Seville.
  • He moved to Mallorca

    On this date, Antonio Calvo Carrión moved to his new residence in Mallorca
  • Prize in the 3rd Spring Painting Contest - Palma

    In 1952, Antonio Calvo Carrión won the prize for the Third Spring Painting Contest in Palma de Mayorca
  • Gold medal as Spanish representative at the Biennial in Alexandria

    Antonio Calvo Carrión was awarded this year the Gold medal, as the representative of Spain at the Biennial in Alexandria
  • Period: to

    Antonio Calvo Carrión as a writer

    During this period of time, Antonio Calvo Carrión, prepared the writing of two books and finished writing the first one. Actually, the second book never was published.
  • Period: to

    Publication of his first book

    In 1964, Antonio Calvo Carrión published his first book. In French, It was published in 1966.
  • His Death

    In this year, Antonio Calvo Carrión died in Palma.