
  • 753 BCE


    The Romans conquered the Jews and wanted them to change their religion. After their refusal, the Romans stated that they were stubborn and they discriminated them. This will evolve into Christion anti-Judaism.
  • 1500

    Devils Workers

    The Jews were thought of as a sickness and a bad luck charm. They were said to of caused the plague, all the sickness, and death.
  • Antisemitism Beginning

    The Jews were discriminated because they were not Ayran. Ayrans were considered the superior or the "master" race, and they did not accept the Jews because of their different beliefs and opinions.
  • Hitler

    Hitler is known for taking over Germany and putting the Jews through a lot of oppression. He took away their everyday routines and put them into concentration camps. These camps would end up killing millions all under his reign during World War II.