Anti-War Movement in Vietnam

  • Brown Versus Board Of Education

    Brown Versus Board Of Education
    Brown v Board Of Education of Topeka was justices ruled that it had a lot to deal with racial segregation of children in public schools and Brown v Board Of Education was one of the civil rights movement and they helped a lot for it to be equal for everyone's education because other places wasn't equal at all.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery  Bus Boycott
    A African American Rosa Parks had refused to give up her seat for a white man to have a seat to sit down mind you all the others seats are felled up for both races so she had refused so Rosa Parks got arrested and fined for refusing to get up .
  • Little Rock Central High Integration

    Little Rock Central High Integration
    Little rock was a group of nine African Americans students trying to get enrolled in a all white school as they called Central school although they got enrolled the first day of school they wouldn't let them in the school so president Dwight D. Eisenhower sent his federal troops to the school to let the nine kids could get in .
  • Freedom Riders

    Freedom Riders
    Freedom Riders were groups of white and African American and they were civil rights activists who participated in Freedom Rides, bus trips through the American South and they also have a protest segregated bus terminals .
  • JFK Assasinated

    JFK Assasinated
    John F. Kennedy was shot just a few weeks after having announced his plans to withdraw troops from South Vietnam.
  • The Tet Offensive

    The Tet Offensive
    The Tet Offensive was massive attacks throughout South Vietnam and there was no part if South Vietnam was safe from the attack and many people believe that Communist forces were very weak and thought the the US would win the reason why the Tet Offensive was dealing with Anti war movement was because marches and other protests,and it was dealing with SDS ( Students for a Democratic Society)