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Vietnam War
War fought between South Vietnam government and North Vietnam in Vietnam. The Vietnam war started once Vietnam wanted Independence and The France refused. .The US was scared the division of the country would led to North Vietnam spreading Communism to South Vietnam . This increased soldiers in Vietnam fought a Guerilla War and which later resulted in a loss by the US . The opposition of the war resulted in an Anti-War Movement. -
Tonkin Gulf Incident
When 2 US destroyers were attacked by North Vietnamese Torpedo boats in the Gulf of Tonkin , Known as a sea battle , drew the US more directly into the Vietnam war. This resulted in the Resolution of The Gulf of Tonkin Incident which allowed the president to the authority to assist any asian country whose country government where considered being jeopardized by "Communist Aggression". Anti-War movement Strongly disagrees with the Retaliation -
MLK Protests
Martin Luther King Jr went public with his opposition to the war on moral grounds , condemning the wars diversion of federal funds from the domestic programs as well as the disproportionate number of African Americans casualities in relation to the total number of soldiers killed in the war. Dr.King were still fighting for civil rights he felt like more blacks were being killed in the war being Segregation and Racism was still an issue. -
Tet Offensive
North Vietnamese and VietCong launched a full scale invasion on South Vietnamese. This was a campaign of surprise attacks against military and Civilian command and control centers throughout South Vietnamese. President Johnson at this time announced he was halting bombing raids and looking for an end to the conflict. Anti War Movement wants all troops brought home and Canidiate Nixon promises he will do so and Therefor he was elected. -
Kent State University
Students/Protesters launched a demonstration that included setting fire to the ROTC building In Kent,Ohio. Prompting the governor of Ohio to despatch 900 national Guardsmen to the campus. This resulted in a shooting of unarmed college students protesting against the Vietnam War.The students were upset about the drafting of 150,000 more soldiers for expansion of the Vietnam war effort. Almost 500 colleges were shut down or disrupted by Protests. -
War Powers Act
The Anti Movement disagrees with the decisions the presidents make involving the war and it became a federal law stopping the president power to commit the US to go an armed conflict without the consent of the US Congress.