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Anti-globalists events

  • Carnival against Capitalism worldwide, including London,England, and the USA

    Carnival against Capitalism worldwide, including London,England, and the USA
    At twelve, the protesters met at Liverpool Street train station. Food Not Bombs gave out free food and a samba band played. Carnival masks were distributed in four different colours and five processions set off in different directions (there were four marches planned and another occurred spontaneously). .
  • Washington, D.C., President Bush's inauguration

    Demonstrators lined the streets of President George W. Bush's inauguration parade on Saturday.
    Police said the protests could be the largest at an inauguration since President Richard Nixon assumed the office in 1973.
    The protesters had diverse agendas but seemed united by anger over the contested election and mistrust of the new president.
    Elsewhere in the United States, more than 10,000 protesters marched in San Francisco and Los Angeles.
  • — Barcelona, Spain, World Bank protests

    Thousands of screaming and shouting demonstrators, some with small children, fled in panic as the police, equipped with riot shields, pushed into the crowd, wielding truncheons and firing blank gun shots.In the past two years, anti-globalization activists have been staging regular protests at summits of the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank – institutions that they claim widen the gap between rich and poor.
  • Genoa, Italy, G8 summit

    The Genoa Group of Eight Summit protest, from July 18 to July 22, 2001, was a dramatic protest, drawing an estimated 200,000 demonstrators.
    Demonstrators accused the police of brutality and denying them their right to non-violent protest.
  • Washington, D.C., Anti-capitalist anti-war protests

    Washington, D.C., Anti-capitalist anti-war protests
    The anti-globalization movement, or counter-globalisation movement, is critical of theglobalization of corporate capitalism. The movement is also commonly referred to as the global justice movement, alter-globalization movement, anti-corporate globalization movement, or movement against neoliberal globalization.
    Participants base their criticisms on a number of related ideas.
  • Global protests againstIraq war about 12 million anti-war protesters

    Global protests againstIraq war about 12 million anti-war protesters
    MADRID - Hundreds of thousands took to streets across the world on Saturday to demand the withdrawal of U.S.-led occupying forces from Iraq on the first anniversary of the start of the war.
    Journalists estimated at least a million people streamed through Rome in probably the biggest single protest, and in London two anti-war protesters evaded tight security around parliament to climb the landmark Big Ben clock tower.
    From Tokyo to San Francisco, demonstrators accused President Bush
  • Evian, Geneva and Lausanne, Switzerland, G8

    Evian, Geneva and Lausanne, Switzerland, G8
    Between June 1-3rd, the G8 ("Gang of 8") summit returned to Europe after the previous year's retreat to the mountains of Canada [1 | 2], following the 2001 mass protests in Genoa (IT) [1 | 2]. Evian (FR), the location of the summit, was sealed off. Nevertheless, activists called for actions, protests and blockades to accompany the summit in the Geneva/Lausanne (CH) area nearby, starting from May 30th.
  • Scotland, Protests against the G8 Summit

    Scotland, Protests against the G8 Summit
    Police say 100 people are expected to appear in court after being arrested during clashes in Edinburgh sparked by a protest against the G8 summit.
    Demonstrators fought running battles with 1,000 police in the centre of the city, which was brought to a standstill for six hours.
  • Russia, St Petersburg, G8

    Russia, St Petersburg, G8
    A G8 summit has been planned to take place from 15-17 July in St Petersburg, Russia. Several sources have reported that a systematic police crackdown on people participating in alternative meetings (a Libertarian Forum and the Russian Social Forum) and critical of the official meeting has begun almost a week prior to the summit.
  • — 80,000 protest in Rostock ahead of the G8 Summit

    — 80,000 protest in Rostock ahead of the G8 Summit
    Around 80,000 people from across Germany and internationally gathered in Rostock to protest against the recent G8 summit, opposing the neo-liberal agenda of the G8 leaders, which has led to massive poverty throughout the underdeveloped world, increasingly bloody occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq and a global environmental crisis.