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Anthony Sclafani Civil War Timeline

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    Civil War Timeline

    Civil War Timeline
  • Jefferson Davis comes out on top

    Jefferson Davis comes out on top
    Jefferson Davis comes out in favor of secession for the first time. Will later become the leader of the Confederate States.
  • Meeting failed in South Carolina

    Meeting failed in South Carolina
    The Democratic National Convention, meeting in Charleston, South Carolina, cannot agree on a nominee. The only thing they can agree on is to continue the debate in Baltimore the next month
  • Union Party meets in Baltimore

    Union Party meets in Baltimore
    The Constitution Union Party, meeting in Baltimore, creates a platform taken heavily from the U. S. Constitution and selects John Bell of Tennessee for President and Edward Everett of Massachusetts for Vice-President. It represents southern Whigs and Know-nothings (American Party). Sometimes called the Bell-Union Party
  • Republican Convention meets in Chicago

    Republican Convention meets in Chicago
    Republican Convention is held in Chicago, Illinois. William H. Seward, Salmon P. Chase and Abraham Lincoln of Illinois are the leading contenders from a field of 12 candidates. Lincoln wins on the third ballot. Hannibal Hamlin of Maine, an outspoken, long-time abolitionist is chosen for vice-president.
  • Democrats meet in Baltimore

    Democrats meet in Baltimore
    The Democrats reconvene in Baltimore to select a nominee, but Douglas can't make the necessary 2/3 majority until the anti-Douglas delegates leave on June 22 and the floor rules are changed to require 2/3 vote of the members present. On June 23rd the Convention nominates Stephen Douglas and Herschal V. Johnson.
  • Breckenridge for Presidential nominee

    Breckenridge for Presidential nominee
    Southern Democrats hold a convention in Richmond where they select John C. Breckinridge as their nominee for President. Will lose to Lincoln in the upcoming election.
  • West point commander replaced

    West point commander replaced
    Lieutenant Colonel William Hardee is replaced by Major John F. Reynolds as commander of cadets at West Point.
  • President Buchanan sends distressed message

    President Buchanan sends distressed message
    Outgoing President James Buchanan sends a distressed State of the Union message to Congress. In it he states that secession is unconstitutional, says the federal government lacks the authority to prevent it and calls for a constitutional amendment allowing Southern states to retain slaves as property.
  • South Carolina calls for meeting

    South Carolina calls for meeting
    South Carolina calls for a convention on December 17 to decide if the state should secede from the Union
  • Anderson reports to Sumter

    Anderson reports to Sumter
    Major Robert Anderson reports Fort Sumter is being threatened in Charleston as federal forces begin to improved Fort Moultrie and Fort Sumter in the harbor.
  • South Carolina has left the United States

    South Carolina has left the United States
    South Carolina has left the United States. It becomes the 1st state to leave the United States.
  • Mississippi has left the United States

    Mississippi has left the United States
    Mississippi has left the United States. It becomes the 2nd state to leave the United States.
  • Florida has left the United States

    Florida has left the United States
    Florida has left the United States. It becomes the 3rd state to leave the United States.
  • Alabama has left the United States

    Alabama has left the United States
    Alabama has left the United States. It becomes the 4th state to leave the United States.
  • Georgia has left the United States

    Georgia has left the United States
    Georgia has left the United States. It becomes the 5th state to leave the United States.
  • Louisiana has left the United States

    Louisiana has left the United States
    Louisiana has left the United States. It becomes the 6th state to leave the United States.
  • Texas has left the United States

    Texas has left the United States
    Texas has left the United States. It becomes the 7th state to leave the United States.
  • Confederate States of America formed

    Confederate States of America formed
    On Febuary 4th. 1961, the Condederate States of America were formed as Jefferson Davis becomes president
  • Abraham Lincoln is inaugurated

    Abraham Lincoln is inaugurated
    Abraham Lincoln is officially sqorn in as the 16th president of the United States of America. He will serve one full term.
  • Virginia has left the United States

    Virginia has left the United States
    Virginia has left the United States. It becomes the 8th state to leave the United States.
  • Arkansas has left the United States

    Arkansas has left the United States
    Arkansas has left the United States. It becomes the 9th state to leave the United States.
  • North Carolina has left the United States

    North Carolina has left the United States
    North Carolina has left the United States. It becomes the 10th state to leave the United States.
  • Tennessee has left the United States

    Tennessee has left the United States
    Tennessee has left the United States. It becomes the 11th state to leave the United States.
  • President Lincoln issues War Order

    President Lincoln issues War Order
    President Lincoln issues General War Order No. 1 calling for all United States naval and land forces to begin a general advance by February 22, George Washington's birthday. They plan to move south battling off any Confederate troops
  • General Grant captures Fort Henry & Donelson

    General Grant captures Fort Henry & Donelson
    Victory for Gen. Ulysses S. Grant in Tennessee, capturing Fort Henry, and ten days later Fort Donelson. Grant earns the nickname "Unconditional Surrender" Grant.
  • President's son dies

    President's son dies
    President Lincoln is struck with grief as his 11 year old son Willie dies from fever. Caused by polluted drinking water in the White House.
  • Conferate States sink two Union ships

    Conferate States sink two Union ships
    The Confederate Ironclad 'Merrimac' sinks two wooden Union ships then battles the Union Ironclad 'Monitor' to a draw. Naval warfare is thus changed forever, making wooden ships obsolete.
  • Western Tennessee invaded by the Union

    Western Tennessee invaded by the Union
    An army lead by Ulysses S. Grant march into West Tennesse. They took control of many bases in the local area
  • Union gets ambushed

    Union gets ambushed
    Confederate surprise attack on Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's unprepared troops at Shiloh on the Tennessee River. Results in a bitter struggle with 13,000 Union killed and wounded and 10,000 Confederates
  • Union Ships move down south into New Orleans

    Union Ships move down south into New Orleans
    17 Union ships under the command of Flag Officer David Farragut move up the Mississippi River. The ships then proceed to take New Orleans.
  • General Johnston get wounded

    General Johnston get wounded
    The Battle of Seven Pines as Gen. Joseph E. Johnston's Army attacks McClellan's troops in front of Richmond and nearly defeats them. But Johnston is badly wounded.
  • Robert E. Lee takes Command Of Confederate Troops

    Robert E. Lee takes Command Of Confederate Troops
    Gen. Robert E. Lee assumes command replacing the wounded Johnston. Lee then renames his army the Army of Northern Virginia.
  • The Seven Day Battle has begun

    The Seven Day Battle has begun
    The Seven Days Battles as Lee attacks McClellan near Richmond, resulting in very heavy losses for both armies. McClellan then begins a withdrawal back toward Washington.
  • President Lincoln frees slaves

    President Lincoln frees slaves
    President Lincoln issues the final Emancipation Proclamation freeing all slaves in territories held by Confederates. He also emphasizes the enlisting of black soldiers in the Union Army.
  • General Burnside gets replaced

    General Burnside gets replaced
    The president appoints Gen. Joseph Hooker as Commander of the Army of the Potomac. He will be replacing General Burnside.
  • General Grants is ordered to takes Vicksbug

    General Grants is ordered to takes Vicksbug
    General Grant is placed in command of the Army of the West. With orders from the president to capture Vicksburg.
  • General Hooker Defeated

    General Hooker Defeated
    The Union Army under General Hooker is defeated by General Lee's smaller forces at the Battle of Chancellorsville. As a result of Lee's brilliant and daring tactics.
  • Stonewall Jackson pronounced dead

    Stonewall Jackson pronounced dead
    The South suffers a huge blow as Stonewall Jackson dies from his wounds, his last words, "Let us cross over the river and rest under the shade of the trees."
  • General Lee moves north with army

    General Lee moves north with army
    Gen. Lee with 75,000 Confederates launches his second invasion of the North, heading into Pennsylvania in a campaign that will soon lead to Gettysburg.
  • General Hooker has been replaced

    General Hooker has been replaced
    President Lincoln appoints Gen. George G. Meade as commander of the Army of the Potomac, replacing Hooker. Meade is the 5th man to command the Army in less than a year.
  • South lose the Battle of Gettysburg

    South lose the Battle of Gettysburg
    The tide of war turns against the South as the Confederates are defeated at the Battle of Gettysburg in Pennsylvania. North army led by General General George G. Meade
  • North wins Battle of Vicksburg

    North wins Battle of Vicksburg
    Vicksburg is the last Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi River which has surrendered to General Grant and the Army after a six-week siege. With the Union now in control of the Mississippi, the Confederacy is effectively split in two, cut off from its western allies.
  • North wins another battle

    North wins another battle
    The Rebel siege of Chattanooga ends as Union forces defeat the army of General Braxton Bragg. During the battle, one of the most dramatic moments of the war occurs, yelling "Chickamauga! Chickamauga!"
  • Grant's mistake costs lives

    Grant's mistake costs lives
    A costly mistake by Grant results in 7,000 Union casualties in twenty minutes during an offensive against fortified Rebels at Cold Harbor in Virginia.
  • North fails to capture Petersburg

    North fails to capture Petersburg
    Union forces miss an opportunity to capture Petersburg and cut off the Confederate rail lines. As a result, a nine month siege of Petersburg begins with Grant's forces surrounding Lee.
  • Battle of Atlanta takes place

    Battle of Atlanta takes place
    At Atlanta, Sherman's forces battle the Rebels now under the command of Gen. John B. Hood, who replaced Johnston.
  • George McClellan runs for presidency

    George McClellan runs for presidency
    Democrats nominate George B. McClellan for President. And is set to run against Republican incumbent Abraham Lincoln.
  • Sherman's army takes Atlanta

    Sherman's army takes Atlanta
    Atlanta is captured by Sherman's Army. "Atlanta is ours, and fairly won," Sherman telegraphs Lincoln. The victory greatly helps President Lincoln's bid for re-election.
  • Union win in Shenandoah Valley

    Union win in Shenandoah Valley
    A decisive Union victory by Cavalry Gen. Philip H. Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley over Jubal Early's troops.
  • Lincoln wins presidential election, starts second term

    Lincoln wins presidential election, starts second term
    Abraham Lincoln is re-elected President, defeating Democrat George B. McClellan. Lincoln carries all but three states with 55 percent of the popular vote and 212 of 233 electoral votes.
  • Sherman and his army march towards the sea

    Sherman and his army march towards the sea
    after destroying Atlanta's warehouses and railroad facilities, Sherman and 62,000 men begins a March to the Sea.
  • Hood's army defeated

    Hood's army defeated
    Hood's Rebel Army of 23,000 is defeated at Nashville by 55,000 Federals including Negro troops under Gen. George H. Thomas.
  • Sherman and his army reach Savannah

    Sherman and his army reach Savannah
    Sherman reaches Savannah in Georgia leaving behind a 300 mile long path of destruction 60 miles wide all the way from Atlanta. Sherman then telegraphs Lincoln, offering him Savannah as a Christmas present.
  • 270,00 women are employed

    270,00 women are employed
    270,000 women were employed in 1865. Which is only 2 percent of all women living in Union states
  • 13th amendment ratified

    13th amendment ratified
    The U.S. Congress approves the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, to abolish slavery. The amendment is then submitted to the states for ratification.
  • A peace offering by union

    A peace offering by union
    A peace conference occurs as President Lincoln meets with Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens at Hampton Roads in Virginia, but the meeting ends in failure - the war will continue.
  • Lincoln inaugurated

    Lincoln inaugurated
    Inauguration ceremonies for President Lincoln in Washington. "With malice toward none; with charity for all...let us strive on to finish the work we are do all which may achieve and cherish a just, and a lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations," Lincoln says.
  • Another battle of Petersburg

    Another battle of Petersburg
    The last offensive for Lee's Army of Northern Virginia begins with an attack on the center of Grant's forces at Petersburg. Four hours later the attack is broken.
  • Lincoln tours Richmond

    Lincoln tours Richmond
    President Lincoln tours Richmond where he enters the Confederate White House. With "a serious, dreamy expression," he sits at the desk of Jefferson Davis for a few moments.
  • Rob E. Lee surrenders

    Rob E. Lee surrenders
    Gen. Robert E. Lee surrenders his Confederate Army to Gen. Ulysses S. Grant at the village of Appomattox Court House in Virginia. Grant allows Rebel officers to keep their sidearms and permits soldiers to keep horses and mules.
  • President Lincoln dead

    President Lincoln dead
    President Abraham Lincoln dies at 7:22 in the morning. Vice President Andrew Johnson assumes the presidency.
  • General Johnston surrenders

    General Johnston surrenders
    Confederate Gen. Joseph E. Johnston surrenders to Sherman near Durham in North Carolina.
  • 13th amendment ratified

    13th amendment ratified
    The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, passed by Congress on January 31, 1865, is finally ratified. Slavery is abolished.
  • Andrew Johnson vetos bill

    Andrew Johnson vetos bill
    New Freedman's Bureau bill passed by Congress. President Andrew Johnson vetoes the bill that authorized military trial for those accused of "depriving Negroes of the Civil Rights" on the same day
  • Texas repeals convention

    Texas repeals convention
    Texas repeals the actions of the Secessionist Convention
  • Andrew Johnson vetos another bill

    Andrew Johnson vetos another bill
    President Johnson vetos the Civil Rights Act of 1866 on the grounds that it was unconstitutional
  • Peace with southern states

    Peace with southern states
    The United States declares that a state of peace exists with Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia
  • Congress override veto

    Congress override veto
    Congress overrides President Andrew Johnson's veto of the Civil Rights Act.
  • 14th amendment approves

    14th amendment approves
    Thirty-ninth Congress approves the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.
  • States approve 14th amendment

    States approve 14th amendment
    States are beginning to approve the 14the amendment. Connecticut and New Hampshire are the first to approve.
  • KKK under investigation

    KKK under investigation
    The U. S. Secret Service begins an investigation into the Ku Klux Klan. The KKK was established earlier this year
  • South Carolina rejects bill.

    South Carolina rejects bill.
    On the 6th anniversary of secession, South Carolina rejects the 14th Amendment. This is only one of the states that had rejecred this bill
  • Congress passes Tenure of Office Act

    Congress passes Tenure of Office Act
    Congress passes the Tenure of Office Act. Which denies the right of the President to remove officials who had been appointed with the consent of Congress.
  • Virginia still hatting on Negroes

    Virginia still hatting on Negroes
    Alexandria, Virginia rejects thousand of votes cast by Negroes, who were granted universal suffrage under the Reconstruction Act.
  • Congress Passes 2nd Reconstruction Act

    Congress Passes 2nd Reconstruction Act
    Congress passes the 2nd Reconstruction Act over Andrew Johnson's veto.
  • United States signs treaty with Russia

    United States signs treaty with Russia
    William P. Seward signs a treaty with Russia buying Alaska for 2 cents an acre. Democrats called it "Seward's Folly"
  • General Sheridan takes command

    General  Sheridan takes command
    General Philip Sheridan assumes command of the 5th Military district encompassing Louisiana and Texas. He designates New Orleans as his headquarters.
  • Congress allows more states into the Union

    Congress allows more states into the Union
    Congress passes a bill admitting Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, and South Carolina into the Union. Virginia, Mississippi, and Texas, having refused to ratify the fourteenth amendment, were refused admission into the Union
  • House reconstruction has begun

    House reconstruction has begun
    House Select Committee on Reconstruction is appointed. This will soon help with the reconstruction of our country.
  • United States welcomes new state

    United States welcomes new state
    Russia turns over Alaska to the United States. President Eisenhower signs a proclamation admitting the territory of Alaska into the Union as the 49th and largest state.