220px anthony panizzi

Anthony Panizzi

  • Birth

    Antonio Genesio Maria Panizz was born at the commune of Brecello in what is now the province of Reggio Emilia, in Italy. -map showing the location of the province of Reggio Emilia in Italy.
  • Graduated from the University of Parma

    Graduated from the University of Parma
    Panizzi graduated from the University of Parma with a degree in Law. After graduation he was appointed to be an inspector of the public schools in the Brescello.
  • Political Accusation

    Political Accusation
    An accusation was brought against him for being a suspected member of the political group the Carbonari. The Carbonari were a secret revolutionary society whose goal was the unification of Italy. Panizzi was due to be arrested in 1822, but luckily he was warned and managed to escape. Panizzi made his way to Switzerland. -flag of the Carbonari Italian secret society from the early 1800's.
  • First book published

    First book published
    Panizzi wrote and published his first book while in Switzerland. Dei Processi e delle Sentenze contra gli imputati di Lesa Maestà e di aderenza alle Sette proscritte negli Stati di Modena. The book was about the current regime in the Duchy of Modena. After it was published Panizzi was put on trial and sentenced to death in absentia. -Cover of Panizzi's book
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    Beginning a life in England

    Panizzi moved to England and became a legal citizen in 1832. He taught Italian for a living and was introduced to future Lord Chancellor Henry Brougham, who in thanks for Panizzi's help with a case appointed him Professor of Italian at the newly created University of London.
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    Assistant Librarian at the British Library

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    Keeper of Printed Books at the British Library

    Panizzi worked to increase the library holdings from 235,000 volumes to 540,000. With the additional volumes came the designation of being the largest library in the world at that time. Panizzi also sketched what would become the round reading room during his tenure, it officially opened in 1857.
  • Ninety-One Cataloguing Rules Published

    These represented the first attempt to standardize the cataloging of printed material.
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    Principal Librarian at the British Library

  • Knighted

    Anthony Panizzi was knighted by Queen Victoria for his extraordinary service as a librarian.
  • Death

    Died in London and is buried in the Kensal Green Catholic Cemetery.