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Before and after Twenty one pilots

  • The beggining

    The beggining
    Tyler had to choose between a music and basketball career.
    Josh was a Christian and they didn´t allow him to listen to rock music.
  • Josh Dun

    Josh Dun
    Josh Dun learned to play drums on his own
    he grew up under christian relatives
    his father allowed him to play drums in the basement
  • The first band

    The first band
    Tyler formed a band with Nick Thomas and Chris Salih ´twenty one pilots¨ inspired by ¨All my sons¨
  • Desintegration

    Nick Thomas and Chris Salih they left the group leaving tyler alone after touring Ohio and releasing their first album
  • Josh Dun

    Josh Dun
    Josh Dun worked with Chris and had heard his songs before.
    He plays the drums since he was a child.
    He is invited to join the band ¨twenty one pilots¨
  • First concerts

    First concerts
    They did concerts in parks, halls and garages
    charging one dollar the entrance
    then live performing in mini concerts
  • Second album

    Second album
    ¨Regional at best¨ it was the album with which they managed to attract the attention of several labels
    the boy on the cover is Tyler when he was a boy
  • Blurryface

    Is a character created by Tyler
    represents Tyler´s fear in writing his songs and singing them
    dark character full of insecurities
  • Trench

    since July 2017 all the accounts of the artists of the band were desactivated
    they did not write and communicate anything
    but they were working on the new album ¨Trench¨
  • Nowadays

    Tyler has been home with jenna since 2015
    a few days ago his first daughter was born
    Josh dun is single ):
    corrently they do their concerts in big stadiums and they do big tours