
Ansel Adams

  • Period: to

    Ansel Adams

  • Birth

    Ansel Easton Adams is born in San Francisco, CA on February 20, 1902.
  • 1949

    Becomes a consultant for the Polaroid Corporation.
  • 1916

    He receives his first camera, the Kodak Brownie Box camera.
  • 1925

    Ansel decides to become a pianist.
  • 1927

    First acknowledged photograph, Monolith, The Face of Halfdome
  • 1928

    He marries Virginia Best.
  • 1931

    Has an exhibition of 60 photographs at the Smithsonian Institution
  • 1933

    Opens his own gallery in San Francisco.
  • 1937

    His darkroom at Yosemite burns, destroying 20 percent of his negatives.
  • 1941

    Develops the Zone System for developing film.
  • 1963

    Ansel receives the John Muir Award.
  • 1965

    Appointed to President Johnson's environmental task force.
  • 1980

    Ansel receives the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
  • 1984

    Ansel Adams dies at the age of 82.
  • 1985

    Mount Ansel Adams is dedicated, at Lyell Fork in Yosemite, in his memory.