The typewriter was invented by Christopher Sholes. This invention changed the work place tremendously. It created new jobs, especially for women. The typewriter makes letters in print instead of having to handwrite them. -
Dynamite was invented by Alfred Nobel. This was the first safe explosive and it was stronger than black powder. Dynamite was used for mining, quarrying, construction, and demolition industries. -
Light bulb
Thomas Alva Edison was a pioneer and he was the man who perfected the world's first incandecent light bulb. This invention also affected the way people lived and worked. Electricity completely changed the nature of business in America. It was a big deal. -
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. They say that this is one of the most dramatic inventions. This opened the way for a worldwide communications network. This affected office work and also created new jobs for women. -
Kodak Camera
George Eastman introduced the Kodak Camera. The Kodak prompted many Americans to become photographers. The camera helped create the field of photojournalism. Also helped reporters get photos when events occured, -
Nikon Camera
The Nikon camera is basically a new and improved version of the Kodak. Many people have become photographers and use this type of camera. There are many other name brand cameras that basically do the same thing, but Nikon is one of the well known cameras. These make events more memorable, because they take amazing photos. -
Flourescent Light Bulb
Many men worked together to perfect the flourescent light bulb, but Edward Hammer is who figured out the final structure of the light bulb. These light bulbs are the modern day lgihting because they last longer and the light is so much brighter. There are vapors annd gasses inside the tube that make the lghtbulb last longer than most. -
The computer is a modern day type writer. The first computer was made in 1822, but obviously they have improved over the years. Computers have become a large part of our everyday life in the 21st centry. We depend on these devices to hold all our important information so we don't have to write it down. Computers make it so much easier for us to communicate with one another when we are miles apart. We no longer have to send letters and wait most likely months for a reply. -
Dynamite and C4 are very close in explosive effects. It is used in the military and is definitely the explosive that is more safe. -
The iPhone or technically any smart phone is a modern telephone. They make communication a lot easier because they are practically mobile touch screen computers. There are mamny people listed for this invention. Us as humans in the 21st century we tend to rely on these devices way too much, but they are amazing for business. Easier to get customers and easier to make money,