Anna Solà's timeline

  • I was born on

  • My first day of kindergarten on

  • I took my first step on

  • Fernando Alonso was the first spanish champion in fórmula 1.

  • A new planet was discovered

  • Rode my bicycle

    5 years old
  • Michael Jackson died

  • Learned to read on

  • My first pet on

    A rabit (Lila)
  • I began to play hockey

  • The worst tsunami in Japan

  • Terrorist Bin Laden died

  • My first competition on

    of hockey
  • A cruiser sank

    in Italy
  • My first communion on

    10 years old
  • A German plane crashes into the Alps

  • Summer Olympics of Rio de Janeiro

  • The first time i flew in plane

  • Donald Trump was elected as a President of EEUU

  • The worst attack in Barcelona