
Anna Pavlov

  • Anna Pavlov was Born

    Anna Pavlov was Born
    Anna Pavlov was born in St. Petersburg, Russia, to mother, Lyubov Feodorovna and step father, Matvev Pavlov.
  • Performance: The Sleeping Beauty

    Performance: The Sleeping Beauty
    At the age of 8, Anna and her mother watched the performance, The Sleeping Beauty. Anna watched it in awe and loved everything she saw. It opened her eyes to realize that she wanted to be a ballet dancer for the rest of her life.
  • Period: to

    Imperial Dance School

    At the age of 10, Anna was accepted into the Imperial Dance School in St. Petersburg. She passed the entrance exam with "flying colors". She was recognized for her incredible talent as a young dancer. She even said herself, "No one can arrive from being talented alone. God gives talent, work transforms talent into genius". Anna graduated from Imperial when she was 18 years old as a coryphée, member of a ballet company dancing in groups so she leaped right from school to the stage.
  • La Fille Mal Gardée

    La Fille Mal Gardée
    Right out of dance school, Anna made a company debut, dancing in a trio in La Fille Mal Gardée. This took place at the same theatre, Mariinsky Theatre, that she watched her first show, The Sleeping Beauty, at which made her want to become a ballerina. She is finally living out her dream!
  • Danseuse

    Anna pavlov was promoted to be a danseuse which is one step closer to being the prima ballerina she dreamed of.
  • The Dying Swan

    The Dying Swan
    Anna performed the lead solo in Michael Fokine’s "The Dying Swan" performance. She performed the delicate moves to perfection and this became her signature role.
  • Her major breakthrough

    Her major breakthrough
    Seven years into her ballet career, Anna Pavlova was promoted to Prima Ballerina
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    Tour on Tour on Tour

    1907-Anna took leave from the local performances and she went on her first tour abroad with other dancers
    1908-She has such a great first year touring and everyone was raving about her performances so she decided to go on tour for a second year in a row.
    1909- Anna joined Sergei Diaghilev's Ballet Russe on its historic tour, during the opening season in Paris.
    1910- Anna went on tour in the United Kingdom and the USA as a soloist or with her notable dance partners.
  • Anna's Ballet Company

    Anna's Ballet Company
    She formed her own ballet company where she was able to have complete control over performances and choreograph her own roles. her husband, Victor Dandré, was her assistant and was in charge of organizing her independent tours.
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    Last 2 Decades

    For roughly the last 2 decades of her ballet career, Anna toured with her company all over the world. She was inspiring other little girls to become dancers, the same way she found her love for ballet.
  • Visited Russia

    This was the last time in her life that Anna got to visit Russia.
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    Christmas Vacation

    Anna was 50 years old and had 30 years of dance on her feet. After her tours in England. She took a break from dancing and went on christmas vacation. At the end of her vacation, she boarded a train back to The Hague and on its way from Cannes to Paris, the train was in an accident. Anna was not hurt, but was left waiting out a 12 hour delay on the platform on a cold and snowy day in a thin jacket and silk pajamas. From the cold, Anna developed a serious case of double pneumonia.
  • Anna Pavlov passes away

    Anna Pavlov passes away
    Her illness quickly worsened. Anna, passionate about dance until her final breath, asked to see her swan costume one last time.
    On January 23, 1931, Anna died in The Hague, Netherlands. Her ashes were interred at Golders Green Cemetery, near the Ivy House where she had lived with her husband, Victor Dandré, in London, England.