Anna Noguera's TIMELINE

  • There was a terrorist attack in Madrid on...

    There was a terrorist attack in Madrid on...
  • I took my first step on.....

    I took my first step on.....
  • I was born on...

    I was born on...
  • My first time in the pool.

    My first time in the pool.
  • My first day of kindergarden was on...

    My first day of kindergarden was on...
  • The date of my brother were on...

    The date of  my brother were on...
  • Marc Márquez won his 4th title in the motogp world on...

    Marc Márquez won his 4th title in the motogp world on...
  • Were the Olympics in Beijing on...

    Were the Olympics in Beijing on...
  • Lerned to read on...

    Lerned to read on...
  • Barack Obama was nominated for president of USA on...

    Barack Obama was nominated for president of USA on...
  • I rode my bicycle on...

    I rode my bicycle on...
  • The first time that my parents divorced

    The first time that my parents divorced
  • Spain won the FIFA World Cup in South Africa on...

    Spain won the FIFA World Cup in South Africa on...
  • There was a earthquak in Japan on...

    There was a earthquak in Japan on...
  • My first communion was on...

    My first communion was on...
  • The first time that I went to operating room.

    The first time that I went to operating room.
  • Philip VI was nominated king of Spain on...

    Philip VI was nominated king of Spain on...
  • The first time that I take the plane.

    The first time that I take the plane.
  • A plane crashed into a mountain in French Alpes on...

    A plane crashed into a mountain in French Alpes on...
  • The first time that I had a mobilphone

    The first time that I had a mobilphone
  • Catalan referendum on...

    Catalan referendum on...