Animation timeline

  • Stop motion capture

    Stop motion capture
    King Kong is a example of stop motion capture film.
  • The first animation project

    The first animation project
    The enchanted drawing is silent film. It was made by the father of animation J. Stuart Blackton. The producer was Thomas Edison.
  • Advancing in faces

    Advancing in faces
    Humorous phases of funny faces is a short animation film created by Anglo American . It provided a large influence on the development.
  • The fist hand drawn film.

    The fist hand drawn film.
    The Fantasmagorie is a French animated film by Emily Cohl. It is one of the first hand drawn animation film.
  • Framing , and Animation Loops.

    Framing , and Animation Loops.
    Gertie the Dinosaur was the first animation to use key framing , inbetweening , registration marks and animation loops.
  • First Silent Film

    First Silent Film
    Felix the Cat was the first client film. They used surrealism of the situations.
  • First color film

    First color film
    Thomas the cat was significant to the step of color in animation.
  • Raising the bar

    Raising the bar
    Steamboat Willie is an influential cartoon in social and business aspects. The first animation to use sound. It received alot of praise and people recognized sound.
  • Sell animation

    Sell animation
    Snow White is sell animation film that has been drawn over and over. Snow White was the first sell animation film.