
Animation Timeline

  • Idea of Animation Introduced

    Idea of Animation Introduced
    Peter Mark Roget published "Persistence of Vision with Regard to Moving Objects." This book presented the idea that a succession of still images could create the appearance of motion.
  • Phenakistoscope Invented

    Phenakistoscope is invented by Joseph Plateau.
  • Praxinoscope Invented

    Praxinoscope Invented
    Emile Reynaud patents the praxinoscope - a device that used mirrors to project a sequence of images, with a fixed background, onto a screen.
  • Kinetoscope Invented

    Kinetoscope Invented
    Kinetoscope is invented by Thomas Edison. It projected a 50 ft. length of film in approximately 13 seconds.
  • Cinematograph Invented

    Cinematograph Invented
    Louis and Augustine Lumiere issued a patent for a device called a cinematograph capable of projecting moving pictures.
  • Little Nemo Produced

    Little Nemo Produced
    Winsor McCay produced an animation sequence using his comic strip character "Little Nemo."
  • Rotoscope Invented

    Rotoscope Invented
    Rotoscoping is the process of drawing animation over live-action film.
  • Steamboat Willie

    Steamboat Willie
    Walt Disney produces first animated film with synchronized sound.
  • The Simpsons

    The Simpsons
    The Simpsons T.V. show starts as spots on the Tracey Ullman Show.
  • Jurassic Park

    Jurassic Park
    Jurassic Park released.