Disney Creates Cartoon Studio
Walt Disney signed a contract with M.J. Winkler to produce a series of Alice Comedies, which were a series of comedies based around the character of Alice, a little girl (who was live action), who traveled around an animated landscape and have adventures with her animated cat. This date is also significant in that this date us considered the date when the start of the Disney company that was first known as The Disney Brothers Studio. -
Steamboat Willie becomes first "all talkie"
Not only was Steamboat Willie one of the very first famous animations that Disney would create, but it also introduced a lot of firsts to Disney. This was the first tever Mickey Mouse cartoon. Minnie Mouse also made her very first appearnace here. Most importantly, however, it was the first carrtoon that had synchronized sound, as well as have a fully post-produced soundtrack. -
Disney makes Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves is famous for being Disney's first full length feture film. It first premiered at the Carthay Circle Theatre. The story is based off of the famous fairy tale that revolvees around a woman interacting with seven dwarves, each with their own distinct personalities. The film took up nearly 1.5 million dollars, which was a massive sum of money for a film made in 1937. -
Disney releases Fantasia
On November 13th, 1940, Disney released one of their most highlly crirically acclaimed films of all time. The main purpose that Walt Disney made Fantasia was to make a music based film, based around a series of short films, which include the famous cartoon, The Sorecerors Apprentice, which has Mickey Mouse playing as the apprentice whose misuse of the sorceror's powers wreak disaster. Fantasia began production in 1937, meaning it took nore than three years to create.