
Animal Farm Timeline

  • Farm reunion [Chapter 1, pg 6]

    Farm reunion [Chapter 1, pg 6]
    Old major gets all the farm animals to group up on the barn to give his speech of the dream he had, where all animals were free.
  • Singing "Beasts of england" [Chapter 1, Pg 12]

    Singing "Beasts of england" [Chapter 1, Pg 12]
    Old major decided to teach the farm animals a song from his childhood, a song named "Beasts of england".
  • Old major's death [Chapter 2, pg 15]

    Old major's death [Chapter 2, pg 15]
    Three nights after the speech, old major died peacefully during his sleep.
  • Kicking Mr.Jones [Chapter 2, pg 20]

    Kicking Mr.Jones [Chapter 2, pg 20]
    After the animals weren't fed for some time, they were feeling really hungry and Mr.Jones was drunk, so he didn't feed them again. A cow broke the door and all the animals helped themselves to get food, which infuriated Jones, and he attacked the animals. This time the animals attacked back, and before they knew it, they had kicked out Mr.Jones.
  • Animal committees [Chapter 3, pg 32]

    Animal committees [Chapter 3, pg 32]
    Snowball created committees for animals to learn how to read, write, what to do with eggs produced by chickens, wool by sheep, etc.
  • The single maxim of the 7 commandments [Chapter 3, pg 34]

    The single maxim of the 7 commandments [Chapter 3, pg 34]
    After many animals were forgetting the seven commandments, they were summarised into a single maxim, which is "four legs good, two legs bad'
  • Battle of cowshed [Chapter 4, pg 42]

    Battle of cowshed [Chapter 4, pg 42]
    After Mr.Jones was feeling very annoyed at the animals who took his farm, he and other men went and tried to take the farm back, the animals won, but one sheep was killed by Mr.Jones with his gun.
  • Boxer's show of regret [Chapter 4, Pg 43]

    Boxer's show of regret [Chapter 4, Pg 43]
    After Boxer kicked a boy in the head defending the animal farm, the boy was presumed dead and Boxer quickly started to feel horrible for taking a life, and while the pigs didn't care, and said the only good human is a dead one, this shows that other animals don't really hate the humans as much.