Animal Farm

  • Old Major's Dream

  • Old Major sings the 'Beasts of England'

  • 3 Days Later Old Major Dies

  • Pigs hold meetings and create Animalism

  • Animal Rebellion happens

  • All marks of man burned

    Snowball leads the animals to burn the whips, reigns and halters and clothing.
  • Seven Commandments are written

    The original commandments are:
    Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
    Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
    No animal shall wear clothes.
    No animal shall sleep in a bed.
    No animal shall drink alcohol.
    No animal shall kill any other animal.
    All animals are equal.
    These are written on the barn wall
  • Animals have a successful harvest

    The animals work very hard, but the pigs do not actually work. They only direct and supervise.
  • Boxer becomes an inspiration

    As the farm gets organised they enjoy the food more, life is happier. Boxer works like he is worth 3 horses.
  • Pigs attempt to educate the animals

    The animals all attempt to learn to read. Benjamin is the only one who can read as well as the pigs. The dogs also learn but are only interested in the commandments. clover learns all the letters. Boxer only learns A B C & D.
  • Pigs keep all the milk and apples

    The pigs say they need all the milk and apples because they need the 'brain food'.
  • News spreads of the rebellion

    The animals have another successful harvest and the news of rebellion is spread by pigeon.
  • The Battle of the Cowshed

    Snowball reads a book by Julius Caesar and prepares the animals for an attack. The animals win the Battle. Mollie hides and does not fight. A Sheep dies. The animals create a medal system and honour the bravery of everyone by raising the flag and shooting the gun as a memorial.
  • Mollie Disappears

    Mollie is seen taking to one of Mr Pilkington's men. 3 days later she disappears. She is seen in Willingdon and is being fed sugar. The animals never speak of her again.
  • Snowball is chased off the farm

    Snowball had argued for the windmill to be built. Snowball and Napoleon argue about the needs of the farm. Snowball having convinced everyone is chased from the farm by the dogs.
  • Napoleon Ends Sunday Meetings

    Napoleon declares that a special pig committee will make all decisions from now on. Sunday meetings will no longer take place for debate. The animals still assemble, sing and raise the flag. But all orders will now come from the pig.
  • Napoleon declares they build the Windmill

    Napoleon 3 weeks after Snowball is chased away declares that the animals will build the windmill.
  • Voluntary Sunday

    The animals already worked 60 hour weeks. The pigs then said that the animals could volunteer on Sunday to work. However, if you didn't volunteer the animals would have their rations/food cut.
  • Napoleon announces trading with humans

    As shortages in the farm are felt, Napoleon announces he will hire Mr Whymper to acquire/buy goods that are needed
  • Pigs move into the farm house

    As the winter approaches the pigs justify that they need to move into the house so they have a quiet place to work. The pigs change the commandments to say 'No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets'
  • Windmill destroyed in a storm

    Snowball is blamed for knocking down the windmill. However, lightening and a storm are responsible.
  • Hens asked to surrender their eggs

    As the winter was very hard. The animals needed to get grain to see out the winter. The hens rebelled for 5 days. They where allowed no food and eventually 9 hens died.
  • Investigation into Snowball

    Napoleon arranges an investigation into the issues that they blame on Snowball with the dogs claiming they can smell him. They claim Snowball was working for Jones.
  • Executions of the animals

    Napoleon has several animals confess to things they have done and has them killed/executed by the dogs. The animals are very sad and sit on the hill singing the 'Beasts of England'. Squealer then comes and declares that the song will be banned.
  • Napoleon becomes 'Leader'

    Over the next year the animals start to refer to Napoleon as the Leader and say that he has provided them with many things. Minimus writes a poem declaring how good Napoleon is to the animals. Napoleon gets a pig to test all his food and the dogs guard his bed at night.
  • Timber Trade Arranged

    Napoleon arranges to sell the wood. He sells the wood and is given counterfeit money.
  • Battle of the Windmill

    After Frederick tricks Napoleon they attack the farm and blow up the windmill. The Animals nearly lose the farm. Eventually they win and several animals are injured. Boxer very badly.
  • Napoleon gets drunk

    The pigs celebrate the battle and Napoleon gets so drunk he thinks he will die.
  • Squealer falls off the ladder

    A few days after Napoleon recovers and the pigs declare the retirement field be sowed with barley. Squealer is caught in the middle of the night falling off a ladder. Another commandment has been changed.
  • Republic declared

    Another year passes and the Animals rations are reduced. However, Animal farm is declared a republic and a president must be elected. Napoleon is unanimously voted for to take the position
  • Boxer collapses

    In the summer Boxer's lungs give out.
  • Boxer is taken away

    Two days after his collapse Boxer is taken away in a truck that reads Horse Slaughterer and Glue Boiler. Benjamin urges the animals to fight. But Boxer does not have the strength and he is never seen again
  • Boxer Dies

    Squealer declares that there was a simple mistake and that the vet had not changed the name on the van. Boxer's last word are then used to inspire the animals to work harder.
  • The Commandments are changed

    Years have passed and very few animals remember the Rebellion. Squealer teaches the sheep a new song and the commandments are changed to one line "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others" The pigs now dress as humans and carry whips. The animals are stunned.
  • Farmers come and visit Napoleon

    The farmers are invited to tour the farm and see how well the pigs have done making the animals work for very little food and no power. A big party is held and the pigs and farmers get into a fight.
  • The pigs look like humans

    During the fight the animals realise that the pigs have become just like humans.