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Angelina Jolie: Leader from the 21st Century

  • Starting Humanitarian Work (Big Thinker)

    Starting Humanitarian Work (Big Thinker)
    When Angelina was filming Lara Croft: Tomb Raider in war-torn Cambodia, she witnessed for the first time the effects of a humanitarian crisis and brought her a greater understaind of the world. When she returned home after filming the movie she contacted the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for information on international trouble spots since she wanted to help out
  • First Field Visit - Risk Taker

    First Field Visit - Risk Taker
    On February 2001, Angelina went on her first fiel visit to Sierra Leone and Tanzania. When she came back she expressed to the UN her shock on what he had witnessed.
  • UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador - Committed

    UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador - Committed
    Angelina was named a UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador at UNHCR headquarters in Geneva. Since then she kept going on field missions around the world and met various reguees in more than 30 countries.
  • Publishes Books - Change Master

    Publishes Books - Change Master
    When she was asked what she wanted to accomplish she said "Awarness of the plight of these people. I think they should be commended for what they have survived, not looked down upon on." After that she published her book Notes from My Travel on October 2003 and realsed her film Beyond Borders to spread awarness about the issue and to begin making a change.
  • Buys 60,000 Hectares of land to save animals - Courage

    Buys 60,000 Hectares of land to save animals - Courage
    Recieved the Cambodian citizenship award on July 31, 2005 due to her purchase of 60,000 hectares in Cambodia where she turned a park infiltrated with poachers who threatened various exotic animals and turned it into a wildlife reserve named after her Cambodian Son: the Maddox Jolie Project
  • Builds Schools and Health Centers - Positive and Hope Filled

    Builds Schools and Health Centers - Positive and Hope Filled
    In 2006, Angelina decided to expand the Cambodian project, she renamed it and cretaed Asia's first Millenium Village followin the UN development goals. Apart from that, Angelina built more than 10 schoolsin Cambodia and began funding the Maddox Chivan Children's center, a care facility for children with HIV, because she is willing to do everything for people to move forward and surpass their challenges.
  • Accepts and uses Power Wisley

    Accepts and uses Power Wisley
    In November 2013, Angelina received the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award, an honorary Academy Award. She was also awarded an Honorary Dame Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George for helping the United Kingdom with their foreign policy and her campaign to end sexual violence.