
Angela Carter

  • Birth

    Angela Carter was born on May 7 in Inverness, Scotland
  • Graduation

    She graduated from the University of Bristol with a B.A. in English Literature
  • Moving to Japan

    Moving to Japan
    Carter moved to Japan, where she worked as an English teacher and began writing her first stories
  • Returning to Great Britain

    Returning to Great Britain
    She returned to Great Britain and began to publish her work. Her first book, a collection of short stories titled “Journey to Another Planet” was published
  • The First Novel

    The First Novel
    Carter published her first novel, Shadow Dance, which received positive reviews from critics
  • Translation of the novel "Notes on Sherlock Holmes"

    Translation of the novel "Notes on Sherlock Holmes"
    Carter began working on a French translation of Arthur Conan Doyle's novel The Notes of Sherlock Holmes. This translation, published in 1980, became a real bestseller and brought her international fame
  • Literary Prize

    Literary Prize
    Carter received the prestigious James Tate Black Literary Award for her novel The Night Circus
  • Booker Prize

    Booker Prize
    She was awarded the Booker Prize for her novel On the Edge of the Fog
  • Death

    Angela Carter died of lung cancer in London at the age of 51