
Angel and Taylor

  • Headright system

  • University of Georgia

    First public University in the United States. Abraham Baldwin helped invent the University.
  • Louisville

    Third capital of Georgia, named after king Louisville, an dit had an out brake of malaria so the capital moved to milledgeville.
  • Cotton Gin

    Created by Eli Whitney in 1793. The cotton Gin separrated seeds from cotton quickly.
  • Yazoo Land Fraud

    Alabama and Mississippi were once Georgia's territory. Land companies wanted to buy Georgia's western lands and bribbed Georgia' Governor and General Asssembly to sell the land.
  • Land lottery

    You won land off the lottery.People won more land and had to kick Indians off of their land.
  • Railroads

    Railroads brought businesses, people, and goods into and out of the state. The railroads first constructed in 1830s.
  • Baptist/Methodist

    Two largest denominationss in Georgia. It spread throughout Georgia in late 17000s.