andy's time line

  • When I Was Born

    When I Was Born
    I was born in April 2004. I was a little baby with alot of hair.I was the first child of my mom.
  • When I Won a Prize.

    When I Won a Prize.
    I won a prize for doing my first communion. My prize was a little brown dog. I was happy with my little dog. He was my friend. We played together and we had a party after church.
  • A Tough Time I've Had.

    A Tough Time I've Had.
    My mom send me to Mexico. I got sick and everything hurt.
  • A Good Time I've had

    A good time I had was when I meet my aunt for the first time. That year I also got my first dog.
  • When I went on Vacation.

    When I went on Vacation.
    I went to Mexico city with my family. We had a wonderful time.We went to Las Torres to buy all the things we needed for the party to celebrate my Grandma's birthday party.