Birth Of A New Baby
I was born on this day 13 years ago. I weighed in at 9 pounds 6 ounces. In Oakwood Hospital in Dearborn MI. -
1st Birthday
On my first birthday I celebrated it with my family. I smeared cake all over my face GOOD TIMES.! -
Cracked My Head Open On A Bed
Cracked my head open on a bed jumping off my dresser. -
Started my first day of kindergarten. -
Bike Riding
This was the day I first learned how to ride a bike. -
First Hockey Game
Went to my first hockey game with my friend Nick. -
Got My First Dog
Step brother's dog had puppies and we got to keep one of them. -
Celebrated Christmas Eve
Celebrated christmas eve with grandparents and family. -
Tigers Game
Went to my first Tigers game with brother and mom -
Graduated from Douglas Elementary. -
Started 7th Grade
On this day I started 7th grade. -
Started 8th Grade
On this day I started 8th grade. -
New Years
Stayed at a skatepark overnight to celebrate new years eve. -
Mrs. Johnston's B-day Party
My 6th hour celebrated my favorite teacher's b-day. -
Basketball Tryouts
Tried out for the GCMS hoops league.