Andrew jackson

Andrew Jakson's "Pet Banks"

  • George Washington Financial Plan

    George Washington Financial Plan
    Geogre Washington had a plan that he would have Jefferson and Hamilton be the two people in his cabinet. Hamilton was in charge of the money and he made the national bank.
  • How Financial Plan Works

    How Financial Plan Works
    Fanancial plan had to do with taxes and trade.
    Point was to create a bank to store money.
    Loans were done but you owed england.
    Government and investors will own bank
    Location will favor the North
    Bank"s purpose was for security
  • British Impressment

    British Impressment
    This hurt the U.S. economy because British were taking the U.S. ships and selling the cargo. then taking the men and convert them to the Navy.

    Technology was a big part of the economy getting better so more money was goin into the bank. inventions like the Cotton Gin, Interchangable Parts, Railroad, Steamboat, Factories, and Canal.
    Protextive Tariff, Taxes, Trade, Industry/ Inventions caused Gibbons vs. Ogden- government power over INTERSTATE COMMERCE. Taxes, Currency, National Bank causes McCullough vs. Maryland- states cant tax national bank and government shows power of controling economy
  • Jacksonian Democracy

    Jacksonian Democracy
    Jacksonian Democracy is the representation of Andrew Jackson and connection to the poeple (only white males). The election had 4 candinates- Clay, Adams, Jackson and Crawford. Clay decides hes goin to drop out because he does think hes goin to win and gives his votes to Adams and Adams get elected. He spents next four years protestin against Adams. Jackson cries out to people that Adams cheated which was known as "Corrupt Bargaining"
  • John Quicy Adams Presidency

    John Quicy Adams Presidency
    His presidency lasts from 1824-1828 because of what happened during the electionand he only has two accomplishments which are increase taxes to get more money and this causes the people to get angry giving Jackson more ammo.
  • Jackson's Accomplishments during Presidency

    Jackson's Accomplishments during Presidency
    He gave universal suffrage to all white males not just the rich white males. He gave no rights to the minorities. the major thing he did was destroy the power of the federal government. He killedthe national bank and created the state banks- A.K.A "Pet Banks".