Andrew jackson

Andrew Jackson (period 8, group #4

  • Jacksons birth

    Jacksons birth
  • Jackson enlists in Revolutionary Army

    Jackson enlists in Revolutionary Army
    At age 13 Jackson eneters the army
  • Battle of horseshoe bend

    Battle of horseshoe bend
    Battle that took place on March 27, 1814, near Daviston, Alabama. American troops under General Andrew Jackson defeated a smaller force of Upper Creek or Red Stick Native American warriors. This was the final battle of the Creek War, which is considered part of the War of 1812.
  • Battle of New Orelans

    Battle of New Orelans
    It was the last battle of the War of 1812. Andrew Jackson's soldiers fired at British soldiers from behind bales of hay, killing hundreds of British soldiers. It was a decisive win for America, and helped Andrew Jackson become president in 1828.
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    Well you see there were 4 people running in that one and non of them got the 270 electoral votes need to win. Because of this the House got to deiced the election. So even though Andrew Jackson had more electoral votes he lost to John Quincy Adams.
  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    The United States presidential election of 1828 featured a rematch between President John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson. Unlike the 1824 election, no other major candidates appeared in the race, allowing Jackson to consolidate a power base and easily win an electoral victory over Adams. Jackson defeated Adams, becoming the first Democrat to be elected.
  • Indian removal act

    Indian removal act
    Indian Removal Act, in U.S. history, law signed by President Andrew Jackson in 1830 providing for the general resettlement of Native Americans to lands W of the Mississippi River. From 1830 to 1840 approximately 60,000 Native Americans were forced to migrate. Of some 11,500 Cherokees moved in 1838, about 4,000 died along the way.
  • Worcester vs. Georgia

    Worcester vs. Georgia
    Worcester, a minister did not get a license from Georgia to do missionary work with the Cherokee nation residing in Georgia.
  • Bank War

    Bank War
    Clay, in a bid to gain political support for the upcoming election of 1832, pushed a bill through Congress to renew the Bank’s charter for another twenty years. Jackson initiated a Bank War, vetoing the bill and claiming that the Bank of the United States was unconstitutional. Overjoyed, Clay had Jackson’s veto message printed and distributed throughout the country. The move backfired, however, because westerners hailed the president as a savior of the common American.
  • Nulfication Crisis

    Nulfication Crisis
    The Nullification Crisis was a crisis during the presidency of Andrew Jackson created by the Ordinance of Nullification, an attempt by the state of South Carolina to nullify a federal law passed by the United States Congress. The highly protective Tariff was enacted into law in 1828 during the presidency of John Quincy Adams. Opposed in the South & parts of New England, the expectation of the tariff's opponents was that with the election of Jackson the tariff would be significantly reduced.