Andrew Jackson's Birth
Andrew Jackson was born march 15 1777 by his parents Elizabeth and Jackson. His parents were Scots-Irish colonists who emigrated from Ireland in 1765. he was belived to be born in one of his uncles houses in the waxhaws region between North Carolina and South Carolina. He was born just three weeks after his dad died at the age of 29. -
Jackson Enlist in Reveloutinary Army
Jackson enlist in the army at the age of 13. His brother had joined with him. They were captured in 1781 by the British and got smallpox. His brother and his mom ended up dying from sickness and he was made an orphan. -
The Battle of Horseshoe Bend
This battle was fought during the war of 1812. This battle was fought between the United States army with Indian allies against the Red sticks. This battle was under the command of army general Andrew Jackson. The United States won and this battle needed the creek war. -
The Battle Of New Orleans
This was the last battle of the war. This event happened after the war was over but the news didn't reach them in time. This battle was leaded by Andrew Jackson and this was where he was declared a hero. -
Election Of 1824
The election of 1824 was a major election in history. This election had many well known me running including Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams,william crawford, and henry clay. This is one of the first elections where the house of representatives decided who won. In this election john quincy adams won the election even though he did not win the popular vote. This election also caused the split of the political parties which were now democrats and republicans. -
Election of 1828
This election included the candidates John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson. This was one of the bloodiest elections in history. Adams was accused of many things that were not true but many of the things said about Jackson were true. Some examples of this are murder and adultery. In the end Jackson won by a landslide in the electoral college and won the popular vote. -
The Indian Removal Act
This was signed into a law on may 28 1830. This law authorized the Jackson to grant unsettled lands to the west of the Mississippi river in return for Indian lands within existing state borders. Some of the indians went peacefully but most resisted the new law. -
Nulifacation Crisis
The Tariff of 1828 was a protective tariff used to keep U.S industry going by taxing foreign goods. The tariff caused Southern people mad because they relied on trade with Europe. South Carolina declared the tariff illegal by passing the Nullification Act. They thought it was unconstitutional because it wasn't benefiting everyone. South Carolina then threatened to secede from the U.S. if I didn't change. Jackson made the tariff less. -
Bank War
Andrew Jackson didn't like the national bank so when Nicholas Biddle asks congress to renew the charter of the 2nd bank of the U.S. Jackson veto's the renewal. This causes an economic slump spread across America. Many banks go out of business and the people go poor for banks not having their money. -
Worcester V. Ga
This was Worcester said that his family’s removal from the state boarders was a against his constitutional rights. He believed the state of Georgia shouldn't be allowed to put extreme boundaries. Georgia was decided on March 3rd of 1832 by the United States Supreme Court. The court ended up ruling against GA.