
Andrew Jackson Era Timeline

  • Farewell Address

    Farewell Address
    The president during this time was George Washington. In the farewell address George Washington was resigning his status as president. James madison wrote a letter during George Washington's first term of being president. George Washington and Hamilton rewrote this letter. In the letter George Washington saying that the key to a great country is to stay out of other countries problems.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    The whiskey Rebellion occured in western Pennsylvannia. People were rebelling on taxes against whiskey. The president at this time was George Washington.
  • Jays Treaty

    Jays Treaty
    George washington is the president during this time. American cant afford a war. Issues with great britian. John Jay goes to new england to negociate treaty. George Washington agrees and leaves forts. Great Britian is support.
  • Pinikeys Treaty

    Pinikeys Treaty
    Thomas Pinikey, negociated a favorable treaty with the spanish who feared that an anglo american alliance might threaten their american possesions. Treaty garunteed americans free shipping rights on the mississippi river and access to new orleans. The president during this time was George Washington.
  • Election of 1800

    Election of 1800
    Sometimes refered to as the "Revolution of 1800". Vice president Thomas Jefferson defeated John Adams. No one listed them as a president or vice president. The running canidate Aaron Burr and thomas jefferson had the same amount of votes. The house of representaitves had to take care of the situation. The president at the time was John Adams.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Thomas Jefferson was the president during this time. Jefferson wanted the u.s. to expand, so he bought land in the western hemisphere for $15 million in 1803. Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark over to this land to discover all the new things, and to make scientific records.
  • Steamboat Invented

    Steamboat Invented
    Robert Fulton invented the steamboat in 1803. In 1736 Jonathan Hulls took out a patent to make an engine powered Steamboat.
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Lewis and Clark Expedition
    In 1803, president Thomas Jefferson bought some land on the western side of the united states. The land was too big for one man to look over it all, so he hired two men named, Lewis and Clark to go over to the western land and look over it all to see what he had bought in the western rock mountains. Thomas jefferson was the president at the time.
  • Start of War of 1812 Purchase

    Start of War of 1812 Purchase
    War agianst Great Britian and United States. The wr was caused by economic sanctions of the british and the french. It was also caused by the impressment. The president at the time was Andrew Jackson.
  • Treaty of Ghent Texas

    Treaty of Ghent Texas
    The treaty of Ghent ended the war of 1812 betweeen the british and the americans. The president during this time was John Quinsy Adams.
  • The Battle of the New Orleans

    The Battle of the New Orleans
    Last major battle of 1812. Andrew Jackson was the president at the time of the war, and it took him 30 minutes to clear out all of the british troops. The war was ended by the treaty of Ghent. The British focused on capturing the port of New Orleans.
  • Adams-Onis Treaty

    Adams-Onis Treaty
    Between u.s. and spain. negociated by secretary on state John Adams and the spanish minister. Spain and the u.s. were fighting over florida. Sapn got western florida. The president during this time was John Adams.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    The Monroe Doctrine warned that the u.s. was no longer to be considered an area open to European influence or colinalization. The four basic points in the Monroe Doctrine were: The u.s. would not interfere in any European conflicts. The u.s. would not interfere with European colonies already settled in the u.s. Western hemisphere is off limits to future colonies. U.s. consider any European power attempt to cononize or interfere with nations in the western hemisphere. Pres. was George Washington.
  • Election of 1824 Invented

    Election of 1824 Invented
    Decided in the house of representatives. Solved three major things in american history. The president during this time was john quincy Adams. No one met the requirments of the election. Henry Clay became the secretary of state. Election became noticed as the "Corrupt Bargain".
  • The Trail of Tears

    The Trail of Tears
    Many Native Americans lived on the southwestern side of the united states, and the white settlers wanted to live and grow crops on that land. The governmant made the indians move across the mississippi rover miles and miles away. They had to walk; it was a very dangerous time and journey for the native americans. John Adams was the president during this time.
  • Annexation of Texas

    Annexation of Texas
    The president during this time was James Knox Polk. Texas would represent a slave state. Dispute with mexico. Led to the Mexican american war.
  • Telegraph Intented

    Telegraph Intented
    In 1809 a telegraph was invented by Samuel Soemmering.
  • "54-40 or Fight"

    "54-40 or Fight"
    United States and the United Kingdom established a joint claim over oregon territory. The joint claim worked for over a decade and a half, but it wasnt working so well so they decided to split oregon. The president at this time was James Knox Polk.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    It all started when someone found gold nuggets in Sacremento, Callifornia. When the news stuck, thousands of miners traveled to the gold spot to look for gold. $2 billion worth of metal was extracted from the area. The president during this time was James Knox Polk.
  • Gadsden Purchase

    Gadsden Purchase
    James Gadsden was the u.s. minister of mexico. He bought land from mexico for $10 million in southern u.s.. He bought the land to build railroad tracks. The president during this time was Franklin Peirce.