Andrew Jackson

  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    Great Britan and the United States signed a treaty December 24 1814 that eventually ended the war of 1812 but news was to cross the ocean. On January 6 1815 the bloody battle of New Orleans started. It ended on January 8th.
  • Death of Rachel Donelson Jackson

    Death of Rachel Donelson Jackson
    Just before Andrew Jackson could claim as president, he claimed his victory only in sorrow. His wife Rachel Donelson Jackson died of a heart attack.
  • Andrew Jacksons Inauguration

    Andrew Jacksons Inauguration
    This event was a celebration for how Andrew Jackson won the presidential election against John Quincy Adams. This was surely a day to remember!
  • Jefferson Day Dinner

    Jefferson Day Dinner
    This was a day dedicated to Thomas Jefferson where other polititians' including Andrew Jackson celebrated his success. During this dinner Jackson altered Jeffersons toast saying,"Our union: it must be preserved!"
  • Jackson signs Indian Removal Act

    Jackson signs Indian Removal Act
    This event was a agreement authorized that in exchange for indian land the president will grant unsettled land. This act forced the Indians to leave ter home and the ended up settling in Oklahoma.
  • Jackson Vetoes Bank Bill

    Jackson Vetoes Bank Bill
    Andrew Jackson recharted the second bank. The presidency argued that it was uncompatible wth jusice, sond policy, and Constitution
  • Jackson Issues Nullification Proclimation

    Jackson Issues Nullification Proclimation
    The Nullification Proclamation was written by Edward Livingston and Issued by Andrew Jackson. It was made in response to South Carolina's Ordinance of Nullification, in the middle of the Nullification crisis.
  • Congress Passes The Force Bill

    Congress Passes The Force Bill
    The Force Bill allowed Jackson to use the navy and he army to enforce the acts of congress if necessary
  • Start of the trail of tears

    Start of the trail of tears
    When Andrew Jackson signed the indian removal act it caused all native Americans to move out of their property or land which is now called The Trail Of Tears