Andrew Jackson

  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    The 1824 Presidential election was the first time that there was nobody running president as a federalist. Andrew Jackson won the election, but Henry Clay despised Jackson, so he forged a document stating that John Quincy Adams would become president. This was later known as a "corrupt bargain.' The significance of this election was that it marked the downfall of the Federalist party.
  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    In the Election of 1828, it was only John Quincy Adams running against Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson won with the majority of the popular vote and had more that double Adam's electoral votes. The impact of this was it was the first "mudslinging' election, meaning both sides viciously insulted eachother in order to win. Also, the spoils system was formed from the election of 1828.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    Andrew Jackson passed the law saying that he could negotiate with the Indians to move them west, so that the U.S could expand. This law quickly turned into the Indians leaving all together and it it now called the "Trail of Tears". The impact of this was that we could now move into more land, which caused westward expansion.
  • Worcestor v. Georgia

    Worcestor v. Georgia
    This was the trial between the state of Georgia and the Cherokee Indian tribe. Georgia was very strict about moving the Cherokee Indians out of their state, but the Cherokee tribe refused to move.The ruling was that the federal government was only allowed to decide what to do about the Indians and the states didn't have the rights, They forced the Cherokee's out of their state. The impact of this was that it angered the states even more which led to the civil war to fight for states rights.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    The Nullification crisis was based around the protective tariff of 1828, and the south was angered by this. The tariff put a tax on manufactured goods such as wool and textiles. This turned the south against Jackson. The impact of this was that South Carolina was angered by it the most and it led them to secede in the Civil War.
  • Bank War

    Bank War
    The Bank War was a fight between Henry Clay and Andrew Jackson. Jackson had started a campaign to destroy the second bank, but Clay supported the bank. The impact of this was that the second bank was destroyed, and Andrew Jackson won the Bank War.