Andrew Jackson

  • Andrew Jackson's Birth

    Andrew Jackson's Birth
    W - March 15th, 1767.
    W - Andrew Jackson
    W - South Carolina
    W - Andrew Jackson was born and started his life.
    W - Because his parents wanted to have a baby?
  • Battle of Horseshoe Bend

    Battle of Horseshoe Bend
    W - March 27th, 1814.
    W - In Atlanta.
    W - Andrew Jackson and the Indians.
    W - Andrew Jackson was wanting the Indians to move so Jackson could expand west but the indians refused and lost the battle so they moved on in the Trail of Tears.
    W - So Jackson could expand west.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    W - January 8th, 1815.
    W - New Orleans
    W - Andrew Jackson, and Edward Pakenham
    W - A battle between American and British troops, Jackson´s American army was outnumbered 2:1, but still had beaten the British.
    W - They didn't know the Treaty of Ghent had been signed, which was a peace treaty between the two nations.
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    W - October 26th, 1824
    W - Washington DC
    W - William Crawford, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, and Henry Clay.
    W - The election of 1824 was held so the people could decide on a president.
    W - Because they needed a new president.
  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    W - October 31st, 1828
    W - Washington D.C
    W - Jon Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson
    W - The election of 1828
    W - So they could run for president
  • Indian Removal Act.

    Indian Removal Act.
    W - May 28th, 1830
    W - The United States of America
    W - Andrew Jackson
    W - An act to forcibly remove indians
    W - Because he needed the land they were on.
  • Worcester vs Ga

    Worcester vs Ga
    W - Sometime in 1832
    W - Samuel Worcester and the state of Georgia
    W - Georgia
    W - He was on Native American lands without permission, and he got into a big judgement with the supreme court.
    W - He was living on Native American land.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    W - November 24th, 1832.
    W - South Carolina
    W - Andrew Jackson was involved, and President at the time.
    W - South Carolina declared that the tariffs by Jackson were unconstitutional.
    W - Because the south was losing a lot of money, so they fought back.
  • Bank War

    Bank War
    W - August 1833
    W - Andrew Jackson
    W - Philadelphia
    W - Jackson wanted to destroy the second bank of america.
    W - His reelection convinced him that his opposition to the bank had won national support.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    W - 1838.
    W - Andrew Jackson and the Federal Government.
    W - Southeastern US
    W - The Indians were being forced off their lands and were sent to go someplace else.
    W - Because the federal gov needed the land.