battle of horseshoe bend 1814
Andrew Jackson led his army to victory in the horseshoe bend horseshoe was the major battle of the creek war in which Jackson sougth the clear of Mississippi territory for American settlement and the battle had over 2, 500 and lower creak allies like 100 and connet firing about 2 hour doing this in fact Andrew Jackson was quit impressed with the measured the red stick took proteck their position as he later wrote something cool -
Andrew Jackson Battle of New Orleans
Andrew Jackson led a poor arm and fight 8,000 british and fight in January 8 tool January 18 in 1815 and the biggest war and we had half won but Andrew Jackson was consider a hero to the arm and then he became the presidency of the united state America and he was a great leader -
Death of Rachel Donelson Jackson
Rachel was the wife of Andrew Jackson the 7th president of the united state and she died in December 22 1829 and because she died she never became first lady of the white house and Andrew Jackson live for a long like 60 but he live 17 more year then her -
inauguration president jackson
Wednesday march 4 1829 election Andrew Jackson was haralded as a new page in the history Republic the first military leader elected for president of the united state since gorge washingtion he was much adimired by the electorate who came to Washington to celebrate old hickory inauguration -
jefferson day dinner
Jefferson day dinner is the annual fundrasing celebration [dinner] held at democratic party for president party thomes Jefferson and Andrew Jackson the for the fonder during presidential for the elecation campaign key dinner are important venus for candidte to attend -
jackson signed indian removal act
the indian removal act was signed into law by president Andrew Jackson on may 28 1830 president to grant unsettle land west of the Mississippi in exchange for indian land within existing state border a few tribes went peacefully many resisted the relocation policy -
jackson veto bank bill
the bill to modify and continue the act to incorpate the subscribes to the bank of the united state was presented to me on the 4th of July instant having considered it with solemn regard to the princlples of the constitution which the day was conclusion to inspire -
jackson issues nullification proclamation
on decenber 10 1832 president Andrew Jackson issued a proclamation to the south people of south carlolina that disputed a state right to nullify a federal law...after jackson issued his proclamation congress passed the act that authorized the use military force against any state the resisted the tariff acts -
congress passes the force bill
congress passed the force bill which was enacted on march 2 1833 it authorized the president to use of whatever force he deemed necessary to enforce federal tariffs -
state of the trail of tears
the trail of tears was series of forced removal from then iden and forced the law and moved all of them to masschssy and on the way they killed over 500 people and Andrew Jackson did it and now in or day we don't have theme much idean left here