Andrew Jackson

  • Revolutionary War

    Revolutionary War
    Andrew Jackson decided to joing the Continental Army at a young age. At only thirteen Jackson was in battle and fighting himself. Soon later he'd become a war general legend.
  • Marriage

    Andrew and Rachel fell in love and grew old together. But they did get married before Rachel's divorce with her first husbund. The marriage did last and they did have kids together.
  • Duel of 1806

    Duel of 1806
    Jackson was talking to a man named Charles Dickinson. The man called Jackson a "worthless scoundrel". Jackson fought him to a duel and was lucky to survive after a bullet nearly hit his heart.
  • Recalling

    Jackson was fighting for a while so he did have a break. Soon the government would recall him to fight Seminole forces in Florida. Jackson and his men came out victorious.
  • Adoption

    Andrew Jackson takes part in the Battle of Tallushatchee. After the battle he adopts a native american kid, Lyncoya. He lifes a short life and dies at 17.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    Andrew Jackson and his army defeat Britain. After them beating Britian Andrew Jackson is crowned with the nickname "Old Hickory". The name stuck and people still call him it today.
  • Inauguration Speech

    Inauguration Speech
    Andrew Jackson elected president as a Democratic-Republican. He gives his inaugeral speech and recommends to eliminate the electoral college. Of course no one listens and it is stilll around today.
  • Election of 1829

    Election of 1829
    Andrew Jackson, Democratic-Republican and John John Quincy Adams, Federalist fight for president. Andrew Jackson wins over Adams and becomes the seventh president. Jackson wins with 56 percent of the ellectoral college
  • Second Bank

    Second Bank
    Jackson did not like the second bank of the United States to begin with. So when he was elected president he decided to destroy it. The day was remembered because Jackson proved how unique he was.
  • Texas Revolution

    Texas Revolution
    Andrew Jackson passes the Texas Revolution. The act let Texas become it's own state. In that process it let the United states prove that the boarder is the Rio Grande.