Andrew Carnegie

By hytgh5
  • Period: to

    bg story

    In 1850, Carnegie became a telegraph messenger boy in the Pittsburgh Office of the Ohio Telegraph Company, at $2.50 per week,following the recommendation of his uncle. His new job gave him many benefits. He was a very hard worker and would memorize all of the locations of Pittsburgh's businesses and the faces of important men. He made many connections this way.the precocious youth began a rapid advance through the company, becoming the superintendent of the Pittsburgh Division.
  • Carnegie is Born

    Carnegie is Born
    videoNovember 25, 1835
    Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland
  • Moves to America

    Moves to America
    begins his first job at age of 13 as a bobbin boy
  • book writen by him

    book writen by him
    Carnegie wrote "The Gospel of Wealth",an article in which he stated his belief that the rich should use their wealth to help enrich society.
  • pic for timespam of 1885

    pic for timespam of 1885
  • Period: to

    steel empire

    Carnegie made his fortune in the steel industry, controlling the most extensive integrated iron and steel operations ever owned by an individual in the United States. One of his two great innovations was in the cheap and efficient mass production of steel by adopting and adapting the Bessemer process for steel making. Sir Henry Bessemer had invented the furnace which allowed the high carbon content of pig iron to be burnt away in a controlled and rapid way.
  • South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club

    South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club
    Carnegie was one of more than 50 members of the South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club, which has been blamed for the Johnstown Flood that killed 2,209 people in 1889.
  • The Homestead Steel Strike

    The Homestead Steel Strike
  • Carnegeis death

    Carnegeis death
    Carnegie died on August 11, 1919, in Lenox, Massachusetts, of bronchial pneumonia. He had already given away $350,695,653 (approximately $4.8 billion, adjusted to 2010 figures) of his wealth. After his death, his last $30,000,000 was given to foundations, charities, and to pensioners. he also built many libraries