Andrea Vesco Timeline

  • The Day I was born

    The Day I was born
    I was born February 20, 1993. I was born at 7:35 p.m and there was a huge blizzard that night.
  • Matt and Tony

    Matt and Tony
    My little brothers were born August 5, 1997. I remember I was so excited to have little brothers. I never really wanted a sister, I wanted brothers to play with growing up. Even when we have our big fights, we will always be close.
  • Gymnastics

    When I was around six years old, my mom put me in gymnastics during the summer. I did gymnastics for three years and hated it! I was very clumbsy and not one bit flexible or graceful. My mom finally realized I wasn't not enjoying this sport and that I had no talent in this sport. She always says at least you tried it!
  • Welcoming Annie

    Welcoming Annie
    Our dog Annie came to the Vesco family in 2002. I am a huge dog lover and this dog will metl your heart. You just have to hide garbages our the house or she will make a mess!
  • Babysitting

    When I was around 13, I started babysitting kids around the neighborhood to earn a little bit of money. I really enjoy children, and during that time I knew I wanted to work or help children in the future. I just didn't know what career yet.
  • Junior High Swim Team

    Junior High Swim Team
    I really enjoy swimming. I was on the swim team in Junior High and really enjoyed swimming the 100 IM and the breast stroke.
  • Snowmobiling

    When I was around 14, my dad started taking my brohters and I snowmobiling with him in Pinedale in the winters. At first I was nervous to ride, now I can't get enough out of riding snowmobiles in the winters!
  • Tiger Soccer Team

    Tiger Soccer Team
    I was on the Lady Tigers soccer team for three years during high school. I love soccer and it is a great sport to build endurance and a great stress releaser in high school.
  • Rock Springs Family Rec. Center

    Rock Springs Family Rec. Center
    I was a life guard at Rock Springs Family Rec. Center for two years and I loved it. I also taught swimming lessons for a year which made me consider teaching as a career.
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
  • Graduating Western Wyoming Community College

    Graduating Western Wyoming Community College
    I plan on getting my A.S degree in May 2013 with an emphasis in Education. I plan on attending University of Wyoming to get my bachelors degree in Elementary Education and I am so excited to teach in the future!