Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
When it was time for Celine (3-years-old) to change into her church clothes, Celine insisted that she put them on herself instead of having her mom do it. Celine's mom let her do so and only helped when Celine asked. In Erikson's second stage, autonomy vs. shame and doubt, the crisis is between the toddler gaining independence through the parent being encouraging (autonomy) or feeling shameful or doubtful when the parent is being critical or overcontrolling (shame and doubt). -
Trust vs. Mistrust
Whenever Ryan (1-year-old) cried, his parent always attended to his needs and soothed him. In Erikson's first stage, trust vs. mistrust, the crisis is between the infant trusting the parent(s) to consistently care for them by meeting their needs (trust) or the infant not being able to trust the parents who are unreliable and frequently reject the infant (mistrust). -
Generativity vs. Stagnation
Ray (42) is very much involved in family matters and finds meaning in being around his family. He frequently hangs out with his son at and outside of the home. Ray sometimes also helps his daughter with her math homework. In Erikson's seventh stage, generativity vs. stagnation, the crisis is between the adult being involved in the community, family, or career (generativity) or not being productive in life (stagnation).